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Traducere în limba română
after I. prepoziție
1. după; în urma (cu gen.);
day after day zile în şir;
after all în definitiv, la urma urmei;
one after another unul după altul;
after that după aceea, pe urmă;
the day after tomorrow poimâine;
it is after six (o'clock) e trecut de (ora) şase;
(amer.) it is half after three e (ora) trei şi jumătate;
(prov.) after the storm, a calm, after clouds comes clear weather după ploaie, vreme bună;
(fam.) what is he after? ce caută? ce vrea? ce doreşte? ce-i trebuie? ce urmăreşte?
(fam.) I’ll be after you! las’ că-ţi arăt eu!.
2. după, potrivit cu; potrivit (cu dat.); conform (cu dat.);
after the same pattern după acelaşi model;
an etching after Gainsborough o gravură după Gainsborough;
after one’s heart / soul după placul / voia inimii;
after its kind în felul său;
(ec.) (despre o poliţă) after sight după prezentare.
3. în ciuda, în pofida (cu gen.);
after all my trouble he has learnt nothing cu toate străduinţele mele, n-a învăţat nimic.
after II. adverb
1. pe urmă, după aceea;
soon after curând după aceea;
I have never seen him after după aceea nu l-am mai văzut niciodată;
the year after un an mai târziu, după un an.
2. (mar.) la pupa.
after III. conjuncție
după ce;
soon after he arrived he began to work at school curând după ce sosi, începu să lucreze la şcoală.
after IV. adjectiv
1. următor; viitor;
in after years în viitor.
2. din spate, dindărăt;
the after part of a ship partea dinspre pupa a unui vas.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
But the thing I'm after is I liked it.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
I felt that I should have no peace until I knew, and yet I shrank from asking her again after once she had told me what was false.
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
The three Munchkins bowed low to her and wished her a pleasant journey, after which they walked away through the trees.
(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)
Watch for what happens just after the December 25/26 eclipse arrives, for things could happen quickly.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
I had the good fortune to divert the emperor one day after a very extraordinary manner.
(Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, de Jonathan Swift)
After many sleeps of travel, a long, long time, Yamikan comes to a land where there is no snow.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
These three sails, I gathered from the conversation, were to be set immediately after breakfast.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
When I got back after my visit to you, the very first thing I saw next morning was a fresh crop of dancing men.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
It was the same next week, and the same the week after.
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Some day, Utterson, after I am dead, you may perhaps come to learn the right and wrong of this.
(The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, de Robert Louis Stevenson)