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    Traducere în limba română

    anyway adverb

    1. oricum, cât de cât, măcar; în orice caz.

    2. (în prop. neg.) nicidecum, în niciun chip, în nici un fel, de fel, de loc.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    What did he do with his education, anyway?

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)

    Well, I won't for the present, anyway, but I'm disgusted, and wish you hadn't told me.

    (Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

    “And anyway, you’ll agree I’ve not laid my hands upon them.”

    (The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

    Using him roughly, anyway.

    (His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    Well, what is it, anyway?

    (Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)

    That won’t work anyway.

    (AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

    Anyway, you can't; so there's no use in my getting excited over it.

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)

    He is not accustomed to the presence of ladies anyway.

    (The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

    I have blamed myself enough; my life's forfeit anyway, and I should have been dead by now if Silver hadn't stood for me; and doctor, believe this, I can die—and I dare say I deserve it—but what I fear is torture. If they come to torture me—

    (Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)

    There are too many sad things in the world anyway.

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)