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Traducere în limba română
appearance substantiv
1. apariţie, ivire; vedere;
to make an / one’s appearance, to put in an appearance a-şi face apariţia;
at the appearance of the enemy la apariţia inamicului;
there is no appearance of them yet nu se zăresc încă;
at first appearance la prima vedere;
to make one’s first appearance on the stage a-şi face debutul pe scenă, a debuta.
2. apariţie, publicare.
3. (înv.) apariţie, arătare, nălucă, viziune, nălucire.
4. înfăţişare, aspect; exterior; aer, aparenţă; mină;
to make a good appearance a avea o înfăţişare prezentabilă;
she is not of (a) very prepossessing appearance nu are o înfăţişare prea atrăgătoare;
a man of respectable appearance un om prezentabil;
the town has a very fine appearance from the sea privit dinspre mare, oraşul oferă o panoramă încântătoare;
to make a small appearance at court a juca un rol neînsemnat la curte.
5. aparenţă, înfăţişare înşelătoare;
for appearance’s sake pentru a salva aparenţele, de ochii lumii;
to save appearances, to keep up appearances a salva aparenţele;
as far as appearances go, to judge by outward appearances judecând după aparenţe;
appearances often deceive, appearances are deceptive / deceitful aparenţele înşeală;
to put on the appearance of innocence a face pe inocentul, a-şi lua aerul de om nevinovat.
6. aparenţă, probabilitate, semn;
there is every appearance of (its going to) rain după toate probabilităţile / semnele va ploua;
there is no appearance of it nici gând (de aşa ceva);
to / by all appearance(s) după toate semnele / probabilităţile.
7. fenomen.
8. (filoz.) aparenţă, lumea aparenţelor.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
But to him, in appearance and action and impulse, still clung the Wild.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
Specifically, a high-salt diet increased the appearance of TH17 immune cells.
(Hold the salt: gut reaction may impair the brains of mice, National Institutes of Health)
A question about whether an individual avoids or has avoided people because of the way they feel about their physical appearance.
(Avoid People Due to Physical Appearance, NCI Thesaurus)
A coded value specifying the appearance of an entity.
(Appearance Type Code, NCI Thesaurus)
He can't stick your appearance, Challenger; and, by George! I don't wonder.
(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
I asked him, with a better appearance of composure than I could have thought possible a minute before, whether he had made his feelings known to Agnes.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
I was much more struck by the appearance of his companion.
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
But Martin was not concerned with appearances!
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
The one unpleasant thing about the house, which struck me at once, was the appearance and conduct of the servants.
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
A dead silence greeted her appearance.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)