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    Traducere în limba română

    blent past şi part. trec. de la blend I.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    Presently a voice blent with the rich tones of the instrument; it was a lady who sang, and very sweet her notes were.

    (Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

    A calm, subdued triumph, blent with a longing earnestness, marked his enunciation of the last glorious verses of that chapter.

    (Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

    Your pleasures, by your own account, have been few; but I daresay you did exist in a kind of artist's dreamland while you blent and arranged these strange tints.

    (Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

    Some say there is enjoyment in looking back to painful experience past; but at this day I can scarcely bear to review the times to which I allude: the moral degradation, blent with the physical suffering, form too distressing a recollection ever to be willingly dwelt on.

    (Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

    A joyous stir was now audible in the hall: gentlemen's deep tones and ladies' silvery accents blent harmoniously together, and distinguishable above all, though not loud, was the sonorous voice of the master of Thornfield Hall, welcoming his fair and gallant guests under its roof.

    (Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

    A little hamlet, whose roofs were blent with trees, straggled up the side of one of these hills; the church of the district stood nearer Thornfield: its old tower-top looked over a knoll between the house and gates.

    (Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)