Editura Global Info / Dicţionar englez-român |
Traducere în limba română
blue light substantiv
1. (mar.) foc bengal de semnalizare.
2. (fot.) lumină albastră.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
This enabled them to turn on brain cells in these regions by using a blue light.
(How novelty boosts memory retention, NIH)
Blue light emitted from digital devices could contribute to the high prevalence of reported sleep dysfunction.
(Artificial Light of Digital Devices Lessens Sleep Quality, Editura Global Info)
Humans have 3 distinct color-sensing cones—for red, green, and blue light.
(New color vision pathway unveiled, NIH)
Since then, only Hubble has had the sharpness in blue light to track these elusive features that have played a game of peek-a-boo over the years.
(Hubble Sees Neptune's Mysterious Shrinking Storm, NASA)
Then they fitted the mice with intracranial optical fibers so they could expose their brains to blue light at will.
(Geneticists produce laser-activated killer mice, Wikinews)
In the back of the eye, there is a site called the fovea which contains cone cells, of three kinds responding either to red, green, or blue light.
(Arrangement of light receptors in the eye may cause dyslexia, Wikinews)
Microscopy of specimens stained with fluorescent dye (usually fluorescein isothiocyanate) or of naturally fluorescent materials, which emit light when exposed to ultraviolet or blue light (From MSH 2001).
(Fluorescence microscopy, NCI Thesaurus)
These cells light up when seen under a microscope with a special blue light.
(Fluorescence-guided surgery, NCI Dictionary)
The scattering effect dust has is known as "reddening" — dust scatters the blue light coming from an object, making it appear redder.
(All we are is dust in the interstellar wind, NSF)
The diffuse red glow permeating this image comes from the emission of hydrogen gas, while the shimmering blue light is caused by reflection and scattering off small dust particles.
(Stellar Nursery Blooms into View, ESO)