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Traducere în limba română
build-up substantiv
1. progres; dezvoltare; creştere; acumulare;
the rate of build-up of the space programme ritmul de dezvoltare a programului spaţial;
the rate of build-up in space expenditures ritmul de creştere a cheltuielilor necesare programului spaţial.
2. (mil.) acumulare de trupe şi mijloace militare în vederea unei operaţii.
3. (amer. fam.) publicitate zgomotoasă.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
A substance being studied as a treatment for atherosclerosis (a build-up of fat in the arteries).
(anti-CCR2 monoclonal antibody MLN1202, NCI Dictionary)
Build-up of fatty material and calcium deposition in the arterial wall resulting in partial or complete occlusion of the arterial lumen.
(Atherosclerosis, NCI Thesaurus)
Too much aldosterone can cause high blood pressure and a build-up of fluid in body tissues.
(Aldosterone, NCI Dictionary)
It is an important discovery that all three types of frontotemporal dementia have inflammation, linked to the build-up of harmful abnormal proteins in different parts of the brain.
(Inflammation in the brain linked to several forms of dementia, University of Cambridge)
Bimatoprost is also used under the name Lumigan to treat glaucoma (a build-up of fluid in the eye).
(Bimatoprost, NCI Dictionary)
Issue associated with build-up of calcium salts on the device or its components.
(Calcified Medical Device Material, Food and Drug Administration)
An inherited disorder that causes a build-up of phenylalanine (an amino acid) in the blood.
(Phenylketonuria, NCI Dictionary)
Plaques may also be a build-up of substances from a fluid, such as cholesterol in the blood vessels.
(Plaque, NCI Dictionary)
The drug bimatoprost used to treat glaucoma (a build-up of fluid in the eye).
(Lumigan, NCI Dictionary)
Earwax build-up, fluid, or a punctured eardrum can cause it.
(Hearing Disorders and Deafness, NIH: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders)