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Traducere în limba română
bunch I. substantiv
1. mănunchi, legătură, legăturică;
bunch of keys legătură / mănunchi de chei;
bunch of grapes ciorchine de struguri;
(sl.) bunch of fives mână, pumn, cinci;
bunch of flowers buchet de flori.
2. (fam.) grup, ceată, şleahtă;
he is the best of the bunch este cel mai bun dintre ei.
3. (amer.) cireadă.
bunch II. verb A. tr. (şi to bunch together)
1. a înmănunchea, a lega, a strânge.
2. a pune la grămadă, a îngrămădi.
bunch II. verb B. intranzitiv
1. (şi to bunch out) a ieşi în afară, a se proiecta în afară; (despre o clădire) a se clătina.
2. a se înmănunchea, a se strânge; a se îngrămădi.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
“Head right into the bunch, Mr. Van Weyden,” was Wolf Larsen’s command.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
With a little trouble we found the key on the bunch and opened the door.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
"Frog was the strongest dog of the bunch," Bill pronounced finally.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
The difference between them was that the guard carried a bunch of keys and a revolver.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
When we had examined this last find, Lord Godalming and Quincey Morris taking accurate notes of the various addresses of the houses in the East and the South, took with them the keys in a great bunch, and set out to destroy the boxes in these places.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
He attacked them when he caught them alone, and they attacked him when they were bunched.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
She dropped her head, with her nose to the ground and directed toward a point near to her closely bunched feet, and around this point she circled several times; then, with a tired sigh that was almost a grunt, she curled her body in, relaxed her legs, and dropped down, her head toward the entrance.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
"Who are you, anyhow?" broke out Tom. "You're one of that bunch that hangs around with Meyer Wolfshiem—that much I happen to know. I've made a little investigation into your affairs—and I'll carry it further tomorrow."
(The Great Gatsby, de F. Scott Fitzgerald)