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Traducere în limba română
carman substantiv
1. (amer.) manipulant, vatman.
2. căruţaş.
3. (amer. ferov.) lucrător la căile ferate, îngrijitor / reparator de vagoane.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Accordingly, when the Saturday night came, and we were all waiting in the warehouse to be paid, and Tipp the carman, who always took precedence, went in first to draw his money, I shook Mick Walker by the hand; asked him, when it came to his turn to be paid, to say to Mr. Quinion that I had gone to move my box to Tipp's; and, bidding a last good night to Mealy Potatoes, ran away.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
And Mr. Quinion, calling in Tipp the carman, who was a married man, and had a room to let, quartered me prospectively on him—by our mutual consent, as he had every reason to think; for I said nothing, though my resolution was now taken.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
A certain man named Gregory, who was foreman of the packers, and another named Tipp, who was the carman, and wore a red jacket, used to address me sometimes as David: but I think it was mostly when we were very confidential, and when I had made some efforts to entertain them, over our work, with some results of the old readings; which were fast perishing out of my remembrance.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)