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    chemotherapy substantiv

    (med.) chimioterapie.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    High-dose chemotherapy that kills cells in the bone marrow, including cancer cells.

    (Myeloablative chemotherapy, NCI Dictionary)

    Doctors collected blood-forming stem cells from participants and then gave them high-dose chemotherapy to destroy their immune systems.

    (Stem cell transplants may halt progression of multiple sclerosis, NIH)

    But a new study shows that if the cancer is caught early enough, women might be able to avoid the chemotherapy.

    (Study Shows Chemotherapy Not Needed To Treat Many Breast Cancers, Carol Pearson/VOA)

    However, chemotherapy carries the risk of severe early side effects, which can reduce chances of survival.

    (Early treatment benefits infants with severe combined immunodeficiency, NIH)

    The immunotherapy stimulates an immune attack on cancer cells, whereas the chemotherapy drugs directly damage tumors.

    (Gut microbes may affect cancer treatment, NIH)

    Finally, the stem cells are infused back into the patient, who has received a low dose of the chemotherapy medication busulfan to help the genetically corrected stem cells establish themselves in the bone marrow and begin producing new blood cells.

    (Gene therapy restores immunity in infants with rare immunodeficiency disease, National Institutes of Health)

    It classifies patients into five groups with significantly different disease-free and overall survival and grades pathological remission in both the primary tumor and the axillary lymph nodes, with comparison of negative nodes with those that have already responded to chemotherapy.

    (Miller and Payne Classification, NCI Thesaurus)

    The researchers noted that current and future pre-clinical studies may show that senolytics could be used to enhance life span not only in older people, but also in cancer survivors treated with senescence-inducing radiation or chemotherapy and people with a range of senescence-associated chronic diseases.

    (Senolytic drugs reverse damage caused by senescent cells in mice, National Institutes of Health)

    Women with a high risk of recurrence do better with chemotherapy.

    (Study Shows Chemotherapy Not Needed To Treat Many Breast Cancers, Carol Pearson/VOA)

    Most people know that nausea, hair loss and fatigue result from chemotherapy, but chemotherapy can also cause heart and nerve damage.

    (Study Shows Chemotherapy Not Needed To Treat Many Breast Cancers, Carol Pearson/VOA)