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    Traducere în limba română

    cognition substantiv

    1. (filoz.) cunoaştere, cunoştinţă (pe cale raţională); percepere, intuire.

    2. (jur.) recunoaştere, mărturisire; competenţă, jurisdicţie.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    Until now, however, it was unknown whether amygdala neurons also contribute to advanced social cognition, such as simulating others’ decisions.

    (‘Mindreading’ neurons simulate decisions of social partners, University of Cambridge)

    Although the salt content consumed by the mice in this study is eight to 16 times higher than normal and is likely to be more than a person would consume in a single day, their findings provide important links between diet, the blood vessels of the brain, and cognition.

    (Pathogenic tau and cognitive impairment are precipitated by a high-salt diet, National Institutes of Health)

    Researchers found individuals who engaged in more physical activity scored better on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes (CDR-SOB), which are well-accepted standard measures of cognition and function.

    (Rare Alzheimer's Disease Patients May Delay Cognitive Decline with Exercise, Editura Global Info)