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    Traducere în limba română

    contend verb A. intranzitiv

    1. a (se), lupta, a se bate (şi fig.);

    to contend with an enemy a se lupta cu un duşman; a combate un duşman;

    he had to contend with enormous difficulties avea de luptat cu greutăţi imense.

    2. a rivaliza, a se lua la întrecere.

    3. a discuta, a dezbate, a argumenta, a avea o controversă, a se certa;

    why contend about such trivial things? de ce să ne certăm pentru lucruri atât de neînsemnate?

    contend verb B. tranzitiv

    a afirma, a susţine;

    I contend that he is right susţin că are dreptate.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    “And you know also how I crept about and avoided him,” I contended gaily.

    (The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

    They were always perfectly agreed in the want of more money, and a strong inclination for a handsome present from his father; but here, as on most topics, he had the superiority, for while Mary thought it a great shame that such a present was not made, he always contended for his father's having many other uses for his money, and a right to spend it as he liked.

    (Persuasion, de Jane Austen)

    She acknowledged her fears, blamed herself for having contended so warmly; and from that hour Fanny, understanding the worth of her disposition and perceiving how fully she was inclined to seek her good opinion and refer to her judgment, began to feel again the blessing of affection, and to entertain the hope of being useful to a mind so much in need of help, and so much deserving it.

    (Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

    They are wonderfully virtuous, I dare say—some people contend for that, at least; and I am sure I don't want to contradict them—but they have not very fine natures, and they may be thankful that, like their coarse rough skins, they are not easily wounded.

    (David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

    “There must be some way,” she contended. “Let me think.”

    (The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)