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    Traducere în limba română

    contract I. verb A. tranzitiv

    1. a micşora, a contracta, a restrânge, a strânge, a comprima, a presa;

    to contract expenses a reduce cheltuielile.

    2. a contracta, a încrunta, a încreţi (fruntea, sprâncenele).

    3. a încheia (un contract, o tranzacţie), a face (un angajament).

    4. a contracta (o obligaţie).

    5. a lega (o prietenie), a stabili (cunoştinte).

    6. (mai ales pasiv) a logodi;

    he was contracted to her părinţii l-au logodit cu ea.

    7. a contracta, a dobândi, a căpăta (o obişnuinţă).

    8. a contracta, a face (datorii).

    9. (lingv.) a contrage, a scurta.

    10. (med.) a contracta, a lua, a face (o boală);

    to contract a disease a se îmbolnăvi.

    contract I. verb B. intranzitiv

    1. a face un tratat, a cădea la învoială, a se învoi, a cădea de acord, a se înţelege; a se tocmi.

    2. a se comprima, a se contracta, a se reduce, a se micşora.

    3. (înv.) a se căsători.

    contract II. substantiv

    1. contract, înţelegere, convenţie, învoială, acord, tratat;

    to sign a contract a semna, a încheia un contract;

    to witness a contract a fi martor al unei înţelegeri, a semna un contract ca martor.

    2. (jur.) contract; convenţie;

    absolute contract contract simplu;

    express contract contract formal;

    implied contract quasi-contract;

    conditions of contract caiet de sarcini, condiţiile contractului;

    to do by contract a lucra în antrepriză;

    to draw up a contract a redacta / a alcătui / a ticlui un contract;

    to enforce a contract a cere executarea unui contract;

    sold by private contract vândut prin bună învoială.

    3. contract matrimonial / de căsătorie; învoială la căsătorie; logodnă oficială (cu valoare juridică).

    4. (joc de cărţi) contract; contract bridge.

    5. (gram.) formă contrasă / contractată / redusă.

    6. (în nordul Angliei) bilet de tren pentru sezonul de vară.

    7. (înv.) atracţie mutuală.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    You should not sign papers if you can help it—say you have to send all contracts through legal first, which will give you the time you need to cause a delay.

    (AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

    "At that rate I'd like the contract of providing you with many such nights," he said.

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)

    It was in the course of them that I contracted this complaint. You can do nothing.

    (His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    A lady whose vision has been so extremely contracted all her life is sure to have the physical characteristics of such vision, which are seen in the forehead, the eyelids, and the shoulders.

    (The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    With a binding, contracting action on mucous membranes, skin, and other tissues, Astringent substances reduce irritation and inflammation; create a barrier against infection; help wounds and burns to heal; arrest secretion; and control bleeding.

    (Astringent, NCI Thesaurus)

    Then he caught himself up and added: "I ain't stoppin' long. I got to be pullin' north again. I go out on to-night's train. You see, I've got a mail contract with the government."

    (Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)

    The story of my supposed appetite getting wind among the outside passengers, they were merry upon it likewise; and asked me whether I was going to be paid for, at school, as two brothers or three, and whether I was contracted for, or went upon the regular terms; with other pleasant questions.

    (David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

    We must be serious and decided; for after all, the person who has contracted debts must pay them; and though a great deal is due to the feelings of the gentleman, and the head of a house, like your father, there is still more due to the character of an honest man.

    (Persuasion, de Jane Austen)

    The large scarps were formed as Mercury’s interior cooled, causing the planet to contract and the crust to break and thrust upward along faults making cliffs up to hundreds of miles long and some more than a mile (over one-and-a-half kilometers) high.

    (The Incredible Shrinking Mercury is Active After All, NASA)

    Always have a lawyer look over any contract you sign, but during Mercury retrograde this becomes doubly important.

    (AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)