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    Traducere în limba română

    contrive verb A. tranzitiv

    1. a născoci, a închipui, a scorni, a inventa, a combina;

    he contrived an excuse for the occasion a inventat o scuză de complezenţă.

    2. a inventa, a născoci, a pune la punct, a realiza, a combina, a închipui;

    he has contrived a new device for opening tins a inventat un nou dispozitiv / aparat / mecanism etc. pentru deschis cutiile de conserve.

    3. a face, a ticlui, a aranja;

    how did you contrive it? cum ai izbutit să faci aceasta? cum ai scos-o la capăt?

    4. a pune la cale, a urzi, a urmări;

    to contrive a person's ruin a ţinti la distrugerea cuiva, a urmări pierzania cuiva.

    5. to contrive to a) a izbuti să, a reuşi să, a aranja, a face ca să;

    I don't know how he contrived to pay his debts nu ştiu cum a putut / reuşit să-şi plătească datoriile;

    he contrived to manage it a izbutit s-o scoată la capăt;

    I must contrive to see him trebuie să faca aşa fel încât să-l văd; b) (peior.) a izbuti tocmai dimpotrivă să, a nu reuşi decât să, a face (lucrurile) pe dos;

    he contrived to make matters worse n-a izbutit decât să strice lucrurile mai rău;

    she contrived to make herself disliked a reuşit să-şi atragă antipatia tuturor, n-a făcut decât să-şi piardă simpatiile / să devină / să se facă nesuferită.

    contrive verb B. intranzitiv

    1. a gospodări, a se descurca, a o scoate la capăt, a duce menajul;

    she contrive well e bună gospodină, duce bine casa, o scoate bine la capăt;

    to cut and contrive a face faţă unei situaţii cu mijloace reduse; a strânge cureaua ca s-o scoţi la capăt.

    2. (înv.) (with) a face planuri, a complota, a unelti (cu, împreună cu).

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    Once she did contrive to push him away, but the boy had the greater pleasure in getting upon her back again directly.

    (Persuasion, de Jane Austen)

    For instance, hhnm Yahoo; whnaholm Yahoo, ynlhmndwihlma Yahoo, and an ill-contrived house ynholmhnmrohlnw Yahoo.

    (Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, de Jonathan Swift)

    I wish we could contrive it.

    (Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

    Part of my lace is gone, said she, and I do not know how I am to contrive.

    (Emma, de Jane Austen)

    You must contrive to send somebody.

    (Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

    Elinor found, when the evening was over, that disposition is not materially altered by a change of abode, for although scarcely settled in town, Sir John had contrived to collect around him, nearly twenty young people, and to amuse them with a ball.

    (Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)

    The student listened to all this and wondered much; at last he said, “Blessed be the day and hour when I found you; cannot you contrive to let me into the sack for a little while?”

    (Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)

    How can you contrive to write so even?

    (Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

    He doubted it would be impossible for me to swim to another country; and therefore wished I would contrive some sort of vehicle, resembling those I had described to him, that might carry me on the sea; in which work I should have the assistance of his own servants, as well as those of his neighbours.

    (Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, de Jonathan Swift)

    But I must observe that five is the very awkwardest of all possible numbers to sit down to table; and I cannot but be surprised that such an elegant lady as Mrs. Grant should not contrive better!

    (Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)