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    Traducere în limba română

    cost I. past şi part. trec. cost verb A. intranzitiv

    1. a costa, a face;

    what did it cost you?, how much did it cost you? cât te-a costat? cât ai dat pe ea / el;

    cost what it may oricât (de mult) ar costa;

    to cost dear a costa scump, a fi costisitor, a fi scump;

    to cost tremendously dear a fi grozav de scump.

    2. (fig.) a costa; a prilejui, a pricinui, a cauza;

    if it should cost his life dacă l-ar costa viaţa;

    it cost him much trouble i-a dat multă bătaie de cap.

    cost I. past şi part. trec. cost verb B. tranzitiv

    (com.) a fixa preţul (unui lucru), a aprecia valoarea (unui lucru), a preţălui.

    cost II. substantiv

    1. cost, preţ;

    prime cost preţ de fabrică;

    costs of production cheltuielile de producţie; costul de producţie;

    (ec.) cost of living index indicele minimului de trai;

    (com.) cost and freight costul transportului (în contul vânzătorului);

    at any cost, at all costs cu orice preţ;

    at the cost of cu preţul;

    at smb.'s cost pe socoteala cuiva;

    to count the cost a cântări bine urmările, a se gândi la urmări, a ţine seamă de urmări;

    to know to one's (own) cost a şti din propria sa experienţă, a şti în urma unei experienţe amare, a cunoaşte pe propria sa piele;

    to sell at cost a vinde în preţ de cost.

    2. plural (jur.) cheltuieli de judecată.

    3. cheltuială, risipă (de energie etc.).

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    And that’s the truth and the whole truth, Mr. Holmes, if it costs me my neck.

    (The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    He knew that in his room he could manufacture a substantial breakfast at a cost of from fifteen to twenty cents.

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)

    “Many people are using light at night without really thinking about the cost,” Holker said.

    (Study: Earth’s Night Skies Getting Brighter, VOA)

    More freely, because it costs you nothing.

    (The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

    The sparrow now hopped in, perched upon the window-seat, and cried, “Carter! it shall cost thee thy life!”

    (Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)

    Ask for half of your costs and fees up front and the other half after you deliver what you promised.

    (AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

    What it cost me to make this proposal, nobody knows.

    (David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

    "I haven't got any other." It cost Meg an effort to say that, but Sallie did not see it and exclaimed in amiable surprise, "Only that? How funny..."

    (Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

    Perhaps it might cost a whole twenty pounds.

    (Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

    He would stand to it, cost him what it might.

    (Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)