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Traducere în limba română
crawl I. verb intranzitiv
1. a se târî.
2. a slugărnici, a se târî.
3. (despre piele) a furnica; a simţi furnicături pe corp.
4. (amer. sl.) a bate în retragere.
5. to crawl about a se târî încoace şi încolo, a-şi târî cu greu picioarele, a merge anevoios / cu chiu cu vai, (fig.) a se întinde, a se lăţi;
to crawl forth a se târî înainte;
to crawl into smb.'s favour a intra / a se băga (pe) sub pielea cuiva, a se insinua în graţiile cuiva;
(amer.) to crawl out of smth. a reuşi să iasă din ceva;
(amer.) to crawl through a knot-hole a ieşi cu greu dintr-o încurcătură;
to crawl up a se ţine în sus;
to crawl with a fi plin de, a mişuna de (insecte).
crawl II. substantiv
1. târât, târâre.
2. mers încet;
at a crawl încet ca un melc.
3. servilism, slugărnicie.
4. the crawl (sport) crawl (stil de înot).
5. (hidr.) bazin, canal (acvatoriu apărat în mod natural sau artificial de acţiunea gheţurilor sau a curenţilor).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
By this time he was quite sick, the bear, and could crawl no farther, so Keesh came up close and speared him to death.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
There was a deal of cursing and groaning as the men at the bottom of the ladder crawled to their feet.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
Never, in that period, did any of them crawl toward the dark corners of the back-wall.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
I crawled up from the floor, and saw my face in the glass, so swollen, red, and ugly that it almost frightened me.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
And always they pitched camp after dark, eating their bit of fish, and crawling to sleep into the snow.
(The Call of the Wild, de Jack London)
I have seen him myself crawl from his window.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
He motioned to me to lie still, and he crawled forward himself.
(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
He pulled off his clothes and crawled into bed, where he was asleep the moment after his head touched the pillow.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
I do not know how I found the strength to do it at all, and I am afraid it was roughly done, but I managed to drag her down the bank and a little way under the arch. Farther I could not move her, for the bridge was too low to let me do more than crawl below it.
(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)
Lice move by crawling.
(Lice, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)