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    Traducere în limba română

    dash I. verb A. tranzitiv

    1. a arunca, a (a)zvârli; a izbi, a trânti;

    to dash one stone against another a lovi o piatră de alta;

    to dash water in smb.’s face a azvârli (o găleată etc. de) apă în faţa cuiva.

    2. a sparge, a sfărâma, a zdrobi.

    3. a nimici, a zădărnici (speranţe, planuri).

    4. a pierde (curajul).

    5. a tulbura (mintea), a încurca, a zăpăci; a intimida, a ruşina.

    6. a stropi; a presăra;

    to dash colours on the canvass a pune culori / a schiţa pete de culori pe pânză.

    7. (şi to dash off) a scrie / a schiţa repede, a executa în grabă / în pripă, a face într-o clipă.

    8. (with) a amesteca (cu), a adăuga.

    9. a falsifica (şi fig.).

    10. a muia, a uda.

    11. a şterge.

    12. (sl.) vezi damn (l, 1); dash it all! la dracu! drăcia dracului!

    13. to dash down; to dash to the ground a trânti la pământ;

    to dash in(to) pieces a sfărâma în bucăţi;

    to dash out a scoate prin lovituri;

    to dash out smb.’s brains a) a sparge capul cuiva; b) a şterge (un cuvânt etc.).

    dash I. verb B. intranzitiv

    1. a se arunca, a se azvârli, a se năpusti, (depre valuri) a se sparge.

    2. a merge cu iuţeală fulgerătoare, a zbura.

    3. (mai ales to dash off) a aşterne în grabă, a schiţa, a lucra în grabă.

    4. to dash against a se azvârli, a se arunca, a se năpusti spre / către / asupra (cu gen.);

    to dash down(ward) a se năpusti, a se precipita, a se prăbuşi; a se prăvăli (trosnind, pocnind etc.);

    to dash into a intra, a pătrunde cu forţa în;

    to dash off a) a pleca în grabă (cu trenul, trăsura etc.), a fugi; b) v. dash (I, B, 3);

    to dash over a se revărsa;

    to dash through a trece prin; a trece printr-un vad;

    to dash up a se urca în grabă, a sălta sus.

    dash II. substantiv

    1. mişcare repede; impetuozitate; atac neprevăzut, năvală; izbire, lovitură;

    at a dash /at first dash dintr-o dată;

    to make a dash against the enemy a se năpusti asupra inamicului.

    2. (sport) obiect de aruncare (în fugă),

    3. energie; hotărâre, cutezanţă; animaţie, vioiciune, impetuozitate, elan.

    4. plescăit (de lopeţi); izbitură (a valurilor).

    5. amestec, adaos; pic;

    there is a romantic dash about it este ceva romantic în aceasta.

    6. (gram.) linie de despărţire (-).

    7. schiţă făcută repede, mâzgălitură.

    8. poză, efect, alură;

    to cut a dash a face figură bună, a produce efect, a epata.

    9. (auto) tăblie, aripă, apărător.

    10. (sport) cursă scurtă;

    a hundred yard dash o alergare de 100 de iarzi.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    I dashed in, and on into the dressing-room beyond.

    (The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    We both sprang in, and away we dashed down the London Road.

    (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    Then with a sudden dash, so swift and fierce that the eye could scarce follow it, he flew in upon his man and locked his leg round him.

    (The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    I had seen nothing like this since I went away, and it quite dashed my hopes for my friend.

    (David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

    She had heard the cry of her cub and was dashing to save him.

    (White Fang, de Jack London)

    I fell upon my face among some bushes, but Holmes had me on my feet in an instant, and together we dashed away across the huge expanse of Hampstead Heath.

    (The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    But dash my buttons!

    (Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)

    In the pause he spoke in a sort of keen, cutting whisper, pointing as he spoke to Jonathan:—'Silence! If you make a sound I shall take him and dash his brains out before your very eyes.'

    (Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

    His knowledge of the world, and very especially of South America, is surprising, and he has a whole-hearted belief in the possibilities of our journey which is not to be dashed by the sneers of Professor Summerlee.

    (The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    The Tin Woodman began to use his axe at once, and, just as the two Kalidahs were nearly across, the tree fell with a crash into the gulf, carrying the ugly, snarling brutes with it, and both were dashed to pieces on the sharp rocks at the bottom.

    (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)