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    Traducere în limba română

    digest I. verb A. tranzitiv

    1. a digera, a mistui, a asimila (alimente).

    2. (fig.) a asimila, a înţelege, a pricepe, a studia, a analiza;

    to read, mark and inwardly digest a citi cu atenţie şi a-şi însuşi cele citite;

    to digest the events a şti să interpreteze evenimentele.

    3. a îndura, a suporta;

    to digest an insult a suporta o insultă.

    4. a clasifica, a sistematiza; a concentra, a rezuma.

    5. a fierbe, a trata cu abur, a infuza.

    6. (agr.) a prepara compost din.

    digest I. verb B. intranzitiv

    1. a se digera, a se mistui, a se asimila.

    2. a se evapora.

    digest II. substantiv

    1. culegere (de material); publicaţie informativă; rezumat; expunere sumară; scurtă culegere de hotărâri judecătoreşti.

    2. v. digest magazine.

    3. the Digest Codul lui Justinian.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    The organs through which food and liquids pass when they are swallowed, digested, and eliminated.

    (Digestive tract, NCI Dictionary)

    A question about whether an individual digests or has digested their food well.

    (Digests Food Well, NCI Thesaurus)

    The duodenum helps to further digest food coming from the stomach.

    (Duodenum, NCI Dictionary)

    Then, a few minutes later, having digested his instructions and thoroughly mastered the manœuvre, I would proceed to issue my orders.

    (The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

    Any component of the organ behind the lower part of the stomach that is fish-shaped and is a compound gland composed of both exocrine and endocrine tissues that make and secrete insulin and enzymes that help the body digest food.

    (Pancreas Part, NCI Thesaurus)

    Hydrochloric acid helps digest food.

    (Achlorhydria, NCI Dictionary)

    Examples of organelles are the nucleus (a structure that contains the cell's chromosomes and is where RNA is made), mitochondria (structures that make energy for the cell), and lysosomes (sac-like containers filled with enzymes that digest and help recycle molecules in the cell).

    (Cytoplasmic Organelle, NCI Dictionary)

    Examples of organelles are the nucleus (a structure that contains the cell’s chromosomes and is where RNA is made), mitochondria (structures that make energy for the cell), and lysosomes (sac-like containers filled with enzymes that digest and help recycle molecules in the cell).

    (Organelle, NCI Dictionary)