Editura Global Info / Dicţionar englez-român |
Traducere în limba română
don’t1 presc. de la do not;
don’t you fear! nu te teme!;
don’t you know? a) nu ştii? b) înţelegi? nu-nţelegi?;
you don’t say so! ei, nu mai spune! ce vorbeşti! ei taci, soro!
don’t2 substantiv
(glumeţ, fam.) oprelişte, interzicere.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Something great tits don’t eat, however, is a seven-spotted ladybird.
(Birds learn from each other’s ‘disgust’, enabling insects to evolve bright colours, University of Cambridge)
But there’s no need to start eating chocolate if you don’t already.
(Can Chocolate Really Be Good for You?, Editura Global Info)
Like all red supergiants, Betelgeuse will one day go supernova, but astronomers don’t think this is happening now.
(ESO Telescope Sees Surface of Dim Betelgeuse, ESO)
Senior author Dr. Tae-Jin Song of Ewha Womans University in Seoul noted that the findings don’t prove causation, but the analysis is strong.
(Frequently brushing teeth may help prevent heart attacks, Editura Global Info)
But doctors don’t have a way to reliably predict which tumors will progress and which are unlikely to cause problems.
(Biomarker Signatures of Prostate Cancer, NIH)
I am not such a fool! cried the dwarf; don’t you see that the accursed fish wants to pull me in?
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
But unlike humans, plants don’t have a brain to keep their clocks synchronised.
(Plants can tell time even without a brain, University of Cambridge)
However, new research has found that moms don’t experience this breast cancer protection until many years later and may face elevated risk for more than 20 years after their last pregnancy.
(Breast cancer protection from pregnancy starts decades later, National Institutes of Health)
In many cases patients don’t die because of the infection.
(Electroacupuncture Reduces Sepsis in Mice, NIH)
However, earlier studies suggest that at least 6% of patients don’t fast sufficiently, potentially raising blood glucose and leading to an incorrect diagnosis and additional testing.
(Researchers identify method to verify if children fasted before medical testing, National Institutes of Health)