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    Traducere în limba română

    dot1 I. substantiv

    1. punct;

    on the dot punctual; la ţanc;

    (sl.) to put dots on smb. a plictisi pe cineva;

    (amer. fam.) to a / the dot, to the dot of an i întocmai, cu sfinţenie; la milimetru; până în cel mai mic amănunt;

    to pay on the dot a plăti bani gheaţă.

    2. pată minusculă, semn, bobiţă, bulină.

    3. (fig.) obiect minuscul;

    a dot of a child un copilaş, un boţ cu ochi, un prichindel, un tânc.

    4. (muz.) punct.

    dot1 II. verb tranzitiv

    1. a puncta;

    (fig.) to the i’s and cross the t’s a pune punctul pe i, a accentua, a lămuri; a preciza toate amănuntele (cu gen.).

    2. a însemna cu puncte, a puncta.

    3. a presăra.

    4. (sl.) a lovi;

    to dot a man one a lovi pe cineva, a-i trage cuiva una.

    dot2 I. substantiv

    zestre, dotă.

    dot2 II. verb tranzitiv

    a înzestra.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    They are like little white dots with red centres.

    (Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

    So now I was in possession of C, O, and M, and I was in a position to attack the first message once more, dividing it into words and putting dots for each symbol which was still unknown.

    (The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    Dot is shust his trouble.

    (Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)

    With this research we are connecting the dots between gut metabolic food sensors and cardiovascular disease; and might open new therapeutic avenues to treat patients with a host of related conditions, said Michelle Olive, Ph.D., program officer at the NHLBI Division of Cardiovascular Sciences.

    (Some gut cells slow down metabolism, accelerate cardiovascular disease, National Institutes of Health)

    I was immediately struck by the number of young Englishmen dotted about; all well dressed, all looking a little hungry and all talking in low earnest voices to solid and prosperous Americans.

    (The Great Gatsby, de F. Scott Fitzgerald)