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    Traducere în limba română

    during prep.

    în (tot) timpul, de la un capăt la celălalt al, de la începutul până la sfârşitul (toate cu gen.).

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    During every conscious moment life blazed in a raw glare around him and upon him.

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)

    And here it may, perhaps, divert the curious reader, to give some account of my domestics, and my manner of living in this country, during a residence of nine months, and thirteen days.

    (Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, de Jonathan Swift)

    If you need to schedule an important performance review, do it during that period.

    (AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

    Seems to have smoked heavily during the night, too.

    (The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    It was a terrible thing to undergo, but during the year I stood there I had time to think that the greatest loss I had known was the loss of my heart.

    (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)

    A large portion of the flavanols can also be removed during processing.

    (Can Chocolate Really Be Good for You?, Editura Global Info)

    During this period, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun and winter snow and ice are still on the ground in the higher latitudes.

    (Earthshine, NASA)

    The king had these things carried into the castle for him during the day.

    (Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)

    There was a long silence, during which Holmes leaned his chin upon his hands and stared into the crackling fire.

    (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    Besides, Maud begged me to heave to, and I knew, if the wind and sea increased at the same rate during the night, that it would soon be impossible to heave to.

    (The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)