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Traducere în limba română
efficiency substantiv
1. eficienţă, eficacitate;
fighting efficiency putere de luptă; operativitate.
2. pregătire, calificare, îndemânare, abilitate, pricepere.
3. capacitate de muncă.
4. (tehn.) randament, debit, productivitate; coeficient de productivitate.
5. bună funcţionare (a unei administraţii etc.).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
The efficiency of energy storage in fats is probably an important reason why animals store most of their energy as fats and only a small amount of energy as carbohydrates.
(Beta-Oxidation of Fatty Acids Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)
Due to the lipophilic nature of this cation liposome complex, this gene transfer system may improve the efficiency of introducing the IL-2 gene into the cells, thereby increasing the production of IL-2 and inducing an immune response.
(IL-2 Plasmid DNA/Lipid Complex, NCI Thesaurus)
He and his colleagues also are working on energy technologies, such as solar cells and batteries that can improve efficiency and reduce the cost of solar cells, and increase the capacity and reduce the charging time of batteries, he says.
(Materials for the next generation of electronics and photovoltaics, Editura Global Info)
The degree of myelination alters the speed and efficiency of neuronal communication, meaning that if a population has decreased myelination only in one particular region, as we show, there is something highly local about any changes in neural speed and efficiency.
(Young people at risk of addiction show differences in key brain region, University of Cambridge)
This process of complex formation appears to provide an increase in specificity and efficiency to the BER pathway, thereby facilitating the maintenance of genome integrity by preventing the accumulation of highly toxic repair intermediates.
(Base Excision Repair Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/KEGG)