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Traducere în limba română
elevated I. adjectiv
1. ridicat; suspendat;
elevated position poziţie înaltă.
2. (fig.) superior, înalt;
elevated thoughts gânduri înalte;
elevated personage personaj eminent.
3. (fam.) cu chef; afumat, cherchelit;
to be slightly elevated a fi puţin cu chef.
elevated II. substantiv (amer. fam.) v. elevate railway.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
These elevated hormones could be coming from the mother, the baby or the placenta.
(High levels of oestrogen in the womb linked to autism, University of Cambridge)
In some lymphomas, the expression of the wild-type allele is elevated as a result of a translocation t(9;14)(p13;q32).
(PAX5 wt Allele, NCI Thesaurus)
Elevated beta-glucuronidase activity has been implicated to be associated with an increased risk for hormone-dependent cancers like breast, prostate, and colon cancers.
(Aceglatone, NCI Thesaurus)
They found that these elevated levels of tau — a protein known to have a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease — are associated with chronic neurological symptoms, including post-concussive disorder (PCD), during which an individual has symptoms such as headache and dizziness in the weeks and months after injury.
(Key protein found to have role in long-term complications from traumatic brain injury, NIH)
She wondered that Lucy's spirits could be so very much elevated by the civility of Mrs. Ferrars;—that her interest and her vanity should so very much blind her as to make the attention which seemed only paid her because she was NOT ELINOR, appear a compliment to herself—or to allow her to derive encouragement from a preference only given her, because her real situation was unknown.
(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)
The results suggest that pharmaceutical compounds or other therapeutic methods that produce elevated levels of TTP in humans may offer an effective treatment for some inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and multiple sclerosis.
(Natural protein points to new inflammation treatment, NIH)
And what they showed is that patients who were inflamed — in other words, they had elevated levels of inflammatory markers at the beginning of the trial — so these patients showed benefits from the anti-cytokine drug, Khandaker said.
(Anti-inflammatory Drugs Also Fight Depression, Voanews)
TWEAK has pleiotropic effects, mediating proinflammatory and pro-angiogenic activity as well as stimulation of invasion, migration, and survival mediated via its receptor Fn14; Fn14 is expressed at relatively low levels in normal tissues, but is elevated in tumor cells and locally in injured and diseased tissues.
(Anti-TWEAK Monoclonal Antibody RO5458640, NCI Thesaurus)
The chemicals produced by cooking meats at high temperatures induce oxidative stress, inflammation and insulin resistance in animal studies, and these pathways may also lead to an elevated risk of developing high blood pressure.
(High Temp Grilled Meat May Raise Blood Pressure, Editura Global Info)
To transfer this insight to humans, they then compared blood samples from people with peanut or respiratory allergies to those of non-allergic volunteers and found that individuals with allergies and the associated IgE had elevated levels of Tfh13 cells.
(Scientists discover immune cell subtype in mice that drives allergic reactions, National Institutes of Health)