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Traducere în limba română
forbear1, past., forbore, part. trec. forborne verb A. tranzitiv
1. a se abţine de la, a evita; a nu se atinge de, a se feri de; a nu folosi;
to forbear wine a se abţine de la băutură, a nu bea vin;
I cannot forbear laughing nu mă pot stăpâni să nu râd;
forbear laughing! nu râde!
2. a îndura cu răbdare, a fi răbdător / îngăduitor cu.
forbear1, past., forbore, part. trec. forborne verb B. intranzitiv
1. (from) a se abţine de (de la).
2. (with) a fi răbdător / îngăduitor (cu);
to bear and forbear a fi răbdător şi îngăduitor, a răbda şi a înghiţi.
forbear2 substantiv (mai ales pl.)
1. strămoş, străbun.
2. înaintaş, predecesor, precursor.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
“Our friend Waterbrook will excuse me if I forbear to explain myself generally, on account of the magnitude of the interests involved.”
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
"But why are you come?" I could not forbear saying.
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)
Now, when she knew better how to be useful, and how to forbear, and when her mother could be no longer occupied by the incessant demands of a house full of little children, there would be leisure and inclination for every comfort, and they should soon be what mother and daughter ought to be to each other.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
The Misses Spenlow added that they begged to forbear expressing, through the medium of correspondence, an opinion on the subject of Mr. Copperfield's communication; but that if Mr. Copperfield would do them the favour to call, upon a certain day (accompanied, if he thought proper, by a confidential friend), they would be happy to hold some conversation on the subject.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
Edmund saw weariness and distress in her face, and immediately resolved to forbear all farther discussion; and not even to mention the name of Crawford again, except as it might be connected with what must be agreeable to her.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
I touched my companion without speaking, and we both forbore to cross after her, and both followed on that opposite side of the way; keeping as quietly as we could in the shadow of the houses, but keeping very near her.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)