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Traducere în limba română
from prepoziție indicând
1. (mişcarea, deplasarea, abaterea, spaţiul străbătut) de la, de, din;
to come from home a veni de acasă;
to come from school a veni de la şcoală;
to come from the country a veni de la ţară;
to go from London to Paris a merge de la Londra la Paris;
from above de sus, de deasupra;
from afar de departe; din depărtare;
from amidst din mijloc; din mijlocul (cu gen.);
from among din, dintre, din mjlocul (cu gen.);
from behind din spate, din urmă, de dinapoi, dindărăt;
from below / beneath de jos, de dedesubt;
from between din, dintre, din mijlocul (cu gen.);
from beyond de dincolo; de dincolo de;
from far de departe, din depărtare;
from on high de sus, de la înălţime; (fig.) din înălţimi, din cer, din înaltul cerului;
from under de sub; de dedesubt; din înaltul cerului;
from within (de) dinăuntru;
from without (de) dinafară;
where is he coming from? de unde vine?
2. (depărtarea, distanţa, spaţiul nestrăbătut) de;
the town is five miles from the sea oraşul e la cinci mile (distanţă) de mare;
Liverpool is 200 miles from London Liverpool e la 200 de mile de Londra;
we are two hours’ journey from there suntem la (o depărtare de) două ceasuri de acolo;
we are 50 km from the town suntem la 50 km (cale) de oraş.
3. (timpul, spaţiul străbătut) de, de la, de pe, din;
from morning till night de dimineaţă până seara;
from time to time din când în când, din timp în timp; când şi când, câteodată, uneori;
from day to day de pe o zi pe alta;
from first to last de la îceput până la sfârşit, de la A la Z, de la alfa la omega;
from head to foot; from top to bottom / toe din cap până-n picioare; din creştet pâna-n tălpi, de sus până jos.
4. (izvorul, sursa, cauza) dinp, după, de;
l know it. from the papers o ştiu din ziare;
to paint from nature a picta după natură;
to speak from memory a vorbi din memorie;
to act from good motives a acţiona din motive suficiente;
to judge from appearances judecând după aparenţe;
from my own experience din propria mea experienţă;
absence from illness absenţă din cauză de boală;
to suffer from the heat a suferi de căldură;
he died from scarlet fever a murit de scarlatină;
from hatred din ură.
5. (punctul de plecare, origine) din, de, de la;
from a child; from childhood din copilărie;
from that period de atunci, din perioada aceea, din acel timp;
from this day forth; from now on de acum încolo, de azi înainte;
from of old din vechime (din vremuri) de demult;
from before the war de dinainte de război.
6. (restricţia, limitarea etc., după câteva verbe şi adjective) de;
to prevent from doing something a împiedica de a (se) face ceva;
to defend / to protect from a feri de;
safe / secure from ferit de.
7. (diferite alte sensuri) from all I see după câte văd;
there is danger from ignorance neştiinţa este periculoasă;
to come from a friend a veni din partea unui prieten;
take ten from fifteen scade zece din cincisprezece;
to tell (the) real silk from its imitation a deosebi mătasea adevărată de imitaţie;
from six to nine între şase şi nouă, de la şase la nouă;
from over the sea de peste mare;
end to end peste tot, pretutindeni, de la un capăt la celălalt;
from outside pe dinafară, la exterior.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
I likewise felt several slender ligatures across my body, from my arm-pits to my thighs.
(Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, de Jonathan Swift)
Mercury will retrograde from February 16 to March 9, so get all your most important paperwork done early in the month.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
Then, too, there was the counter impulse to shrink away from him.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
The Inspector took one from an envelope and handed it to him.
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
"Tell me something about yourself and the country you came from," said the Scarecrow, when she had finished her dinner.
(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)
Then he was brought before the king, and the king said, “You shall never have my daughter unless in eight days you dig away the hill that stops the view from my window.”
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
Eating chocolate may have some health pluses, but the research is far from certain.
(Can Chocolate Really Be Good for You?, Editura Global Info)
He now bore off to the right to counteract the possible deviation from his true course.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
Such was the impression of strength I gathered from this man who paced up and down.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
There is not even a toilet glass on my table, and I had to get the little shaving glass from my bag before I could either shave or brush my hair.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)