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    Traducere în limba română

    fullness substantiv

    1. corpolenţă; (med.) obezitate.

    2. abundenţă, prisosinţă; amploare (a vocii etc.);

    with a fullness under the eyes cu ochii umflaţi; cu pungi sub ochi;

    to write with great fullness a scrie foarte amănunţit, a scrie pe larg;

    in the fullness of time la timpul cuvenit, când va veni vremea.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    In the fullness of his belief that such a thing must be, he mentioned its probability to his wife; and the first time of the subject's occurring to her again happening to be when Fanny was present, she calmly observed to her, So, Fanny, you are going to leave us, and live with my sister.

    (Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)