Editura Global Info / Dicţionar englez-român |
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Traducere în limba română
glaucoma substantiv
(med.) glaucom.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
A comprehensive eye exam can tell if you have glaucoma.
(Glaucoma, NIH: National Eye Institute)
The researchers found specific variations in the genes FOXC1, TXNRD2, and ATXN2 that are associated with glaucoma.
(Glaucoma-related genes revealed, NIH)
People who engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity may be able to significantly lower their risk of glaucoma.
(Another Reason to Exercise: Protecting Your Sight, Editura Global Info)
There is no cure, but glaucoma can usually be controlled.
(Glaucoma, NIH: National Eye Institute)
Scientists had already identified an association between FOXC1 and glaucoma, but only in rare cases of severe early-onset glaucoma.
(Glaucoma-related genes revealed, NIH)
It has long been thought that lifestyle choices do not play a role in glaucoma, but several recent studies show that lifestyle factors can influence eye pressure, which is a major risk factor for the disease.
(Another Reason to Exercise: Protecting Your Sight, Editura Global Info)