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glide I. verb A. intranzitiv
a (a)luneca uşor, a se scurge lin;
to glide along over the waters a aluneca pe ape;
to glide into bad habits a aluneca pe o pantă rea, a începe să deprindă obiceiuri rele;
to glide over the difficult passages a trece peste greutăţi.
2. (despre păsări, avioane etc.) a plana.
3. (muz.) a lega note, a trece repede (de la o notă la alta).
4. to glide away a trece, a curge, a aluneca;
(despre timp) to glide by / past a se scurge, a trece;
to glide down a coborî în zbor planat; (fig.) a luneca, a trece treptat şi imperceptibil;
to glide past / out a se furişa, a se strecura (pe lângă / afară).
glide I. verb B. tranzitiv
1. a strecura, a face să lunece (ceva în mâna cuiva etc.).
2. a face să lunece (un vas pe apă etc.).
glide II. substantiv
1. (a)lunecare, glisare; (s)curgere lină.
2. (av.) planare; zbor planat.
3. (muz.) glissando (cu degetul pe coardă).
4. (fon.) sunet de tranziţie.
5. (coregrafie) glisadă, glissé.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
The transiting moon will help love along by gliding through Taurus.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
That, in the same moment, we saw Mrs. Strong glide in, pale and trembling.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
My hand moved towards the lock: I caught it back, and glided on.
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)
The cook had glided in.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
Venus will glide in the ideal sign, Taurus, as will Uranus, and Neptune and the Sun will be in Pisces, a sign that works so well with Capricorn.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
As my eye glanced round this place, I thought I saw sitting, by an open port, with one of the Micawber children near her, a figure like Emily's; it first attracted my attention, by another figure parting from it with a kiss; and as it glided calmly away through the disorder, reminding me of—Agnes!
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
While Venus glides through Taurus, spend a bit of money on yourself.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)