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Traducere în limba română
glim substantiv (sl.)
1. lumină, lampă, lumânare;
douse the glim stinge lampa.
2. ochi.
3. chibrit;
chuck us a glim dă-mi un chibrit.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
“Sure enough, they left their glim here,” said the fellow from the window.
(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)
“Give me a loan of the link, Dick,” said he; and then, when he had a good light, “That'll do, lad,” he added; “stick the glim in the wood heap; and you, gentlemen, bring yourselves to! You needn't stand up for Mr. Hawkins; HE'LL excuse you, you may lay to that. And so, Jim”—stopping the tobacco—“here you were, and quite a pleasant surprise for poor old John.
(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)