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Traducere în limba română
grate1 I. s.
1. zăbrele, gratii.
2. grilaj, împrejmuire de zăbrele, grilă.
3. grătar (de cămin sau de sobă).
4. (fam.) cămin.
5. (tehn.) grătar (cu bare).
grate1 II. verb tranzitiv
a zăbreli, a pune gratii la (o fereastră etc.).
grate2 verb A. tranzitiv
1. a râcâi, a freca (cu un zgomot strident); a zgâria;
to grate the teeth a scrâşni din dinţi.
2. a rade (pe răzătoare), a răzui, a pili.
grate2 verb B. intranzitiv
1. a râcâi, a scârţâi, a se freca (de).
2. (on, upon) a irita, a supăra;
it grates (up) on my ears îmi supără urechea;
it grates (up) on my nerves mă enervează;
such expressions grate on me asemenea expresii mă enervează.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
I experienced a strange feeling as the key grated in the lock, and the sound of his retreating step ceased to be heard.
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)
How cheery, too, to see at one side of the shining grate my father with his pipe and his merry red face, and on the other my mother with her fingers ever turning and darting with her knitting-needles!
(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
This parlour looked gloomy: a neglected handful of fire burnt low in the grate; and, leaning over it, with his head supported against the high, old-fashioned mantelpiece, appeared the blind tenant of the room.
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)