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Traducere în limba română
heavy1 I. adjectiv
1. (care atârnă) greu; greu (la cântar);
(as) heavy as lead greu ca plumbul.
2. abundent, bogat, îmbelşugat;
heavy crop recoltă bogată;
(mine) heavy layer strat / filon bogat / abundent.
3. (despre ornament) greu.
4. (despre furtună, ploaie) violent, puternic, năpraznic.
5. (despre mare) agitat, furtunos.
6. (despre cer) înnourat.
7. (despre stofe etc.) gros.
8. (despre teren, drum etc.) (with, from) accidentat, greu (de străbătut) din cauza, (cu gen.).
9. (despre aluat, pâine) nedospit, cleios; (despre alimente) indigest, greu de mistuit / digerat.
10. (despre preţuri) ridicat, exorbitant, piperat.
11. (fig.) greoi, mătăhălos, neîndemânatic, stângaci;
to have a heavy hand a) a avea o mână grea, a fi neîndemânatic, a nu fi iute de mână; b) a fi mână de fier, a fi sever / necruţător.
12. (fig.) greu; abătut, trist;
with a heavy heart cu inima grea.
13. (fig.) mare, greu de suportat; apăsător;
heavy debt datorie mare / serioasă.
14. (fig.) greu (de îndeplinit), dificil, obositor.
15. (fig., despre somn) greu, adânc.
16. (fig.) greoi, greu / tare de cap.
17. plictisitor; anost, searbăd;
to be heavy on hand a fi plictisitor (în conversaţie, etc.);
a heavy book o carte plictisitoare.
18. (despre priviri etc.) împăienjenit, somnoros.
19. (despre băuturi) tare.
20. (despre linii, contururi etc.) gros.
21. (despre clienţi) important, cu dare de mână, gros la pungă.
22. (teatru) tragic, serios, sumbru.
23. (tehn., med., chim. etc.) greu.
◊ heavy news veşti / ştiri proaste / triste;
heavy expenses cheltuieli mari;
(com.) heavy fall in stocks scăderi mari la cursul acţiunilor, crah la bursă;
(com.) heavy of sale greu vandabil / de vândut, nevandabil, care se vinde greu;
heavy with sleep somnoros, ameţit de somn;
(fam.) a heavy affair o chestiune neplăcută.
heavy1 II. adverb
v. heavily;
I shall fall heavy upon him am să-i arăt eu, am să-l fac să urle;
it lies heavy upon me mă apasă, apasă greu asupra mea.
heavy1 III. substantiv pl. the heavies (mil.)
1. artileria grea; bombardiere grele.
2. soldaţi din cavaleria de gardă, dragoni.
heavy2 substantiv
(sl. cin.) personaj negativ / odios (într-un film).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
A heavy price of gold was upon his head.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
At one corner of the room was a heavy door.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
"Well, I'll try," said the Stork, "but if I find he is too heavy to carry I shall have to drop him in the river again."
(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)
It was a hard trip, with the mail behind them, and the heavy work wore them down.
(The Call of the Wild, de Jack London)
Once he threw his heavy sheath-knife, missing Wolf Larsen’s throat by an inch.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
It was a heavy, melancholy day.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
“Get down, Watson!” cried Holmes, with a heavy hand upon my shoulder.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
“Are you, though!” cried Peters as a woman’s voice and heavy steps sounded in the passage.
(His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
But it is a heavy blow!
(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)
"Our dear Willoughby is now some miles from Barton, Elinor," said she, as she sat down to work, "and with how heavy a heart does he travel?"
(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)