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    Traducere în limba română

    herd I. substantiv

    1. cireadă; herghelie; (cinegetică) stol;

    to break herd a) a se despărţi de cireadă; b) a-şi urma drumul său (propriu).

    2. (peior.) turmă, gloată, cireadă (de oameni).

    3. păstor, cioban; vicar.

    herd II. verb A. tranzitiv

    1. a duce (vitele) la păscut.

    herd II. verb B. intranzitiv

    (fig. peior.) to herd together a trăi în turmă, a se ţine la un loc; a se ţine ciotcă.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    The cow-herd said: “It must have run away.”

    (Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)

    “They are the horns of swine-herds,” quoth Aylward.

    (The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    Guided by that instinct which came from the old hunting days of the primordial world, Buck proceeded to cut the bull out from the herd.

    (The Call of the Wild, de Jack London)

    I was for putting my arm around her, as when in the midst of the seal herd; but I considered, and refrained.

    (The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

    "She says it's not her mission to appear before the 'vulgar herd' (them's her words). I must show her into a room by herself, and then those who wish to consult her must go to her one by one."

    (Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

    EXAMPLE(S): litter, herd

    (Biologic Entity Group Type Code, NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)

    For when the weather was fair and we were in the midst of the herd, all hands were away in the boats, and left on board were only he and I, and Thomas Mugridge, who did not count.

    (The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

    For my part, I believe that there are so many worthy knights and gallant gentlemen in heaven who know how such things should be arranged, that there is little fear that we shall find ourselves mixed up with base roturiers and swine-herds.

    (The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    At night when he was going to drive the herd home again, he said to the calf: If you can stand there and eat your fill, you can also go on your four legs; I don’t care to drag you home again in my arms.

    (Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)

    I felt myself a match for the most ferocious bull in the herd, and I know, had such a bull charged upon me, that I should have met it unflinchingly and quite coolly, and I know that I should have killed it.

    (The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)