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    Traducere în limba română

    hurry I. substantiv

    grabă, pripă; râvnă, zel;

    in a hurry a) în grabă; b) (fam.) bucuros, din toată inima;

    to be in a hurry a fi grăbit;

    he won’t do that in a hurry el n-o să mai facă asta cu una cu două;

    there is no hurry nu e nici o grabă, nu arde;

    to be in no hurry a nu fi grăbit;

    (fam.) what's the hurry? de ce te grăbeşti?;

    he was in no hurry to leave nu prea voia să plece.

    hurry II. adjectiv

    (amer.) grabnic, urgent.

    hurry III. verb A. tranzitiv

    1. a grăbi, a zori; a îndemna, a stimula.

    2. a târî sau a duce repede;

    to hurry smb. into a car a urca la repezeală pe cineva într-o maşină.

    3. a trimite în grabă;

    he hurried his troops to the spot îşi trimise trupele la faţa locului.

    4. to hurry away / off a duce / a îndepărta / a expedia repede;

    to hurry back a trimite repede înapoi;

    to hurry in a băga, a vârî, a îndesa;

    to hurry into a băga / a vârî / a îndesa înăuntru;

    to hurry on a zori; a îndemna;

    to hurry up and down a goni încoace şi încolo;

    (sl.) hurry up the cake! repede! fuga!

    hurry III. verb B. intranzitiv

    1. a se grăbi;

    he hurried home se grăbi spre casă.

    2. to hurry along a merge grăbit; a se întoarce repede;

    to hurry down a coborî în grabă;

    to hurry forward a înainta cu repeziciune;

    to hurry in a intra în grabă;

    to hurry off a o zbughi;

    to hurry over a trece repede pe partea cealaltă;

    to hurry through a îndeplini cu grabă;

    hurry up! grăbeşte-te! mai repede!

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    When Van Helsing saw how dark it was, he said:—There is no hurry. It is more late than I thought.

    (Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

    As the door closed, little Em'ly looked at us three in a hurried manner and then hid her face in her hands, and fell to sobbing.

    (David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

    He didn't seem at all ashamed of it, for when I explained and hurried on, he waved his hand, sock and all, saying in his loud, cheerful way...

    (Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

    At the same instant we heard voices in the house and the sound of hurrying feet.

    (The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    I was soon dressed; and when I heard Mr. Rochester quit Mrs. Fairfax's parlour, I hurried down to it.

    (Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

    She gave a moment's recollection, as they hurried along, to the little circumstances which the same spots had witnessed earlier in the morning.

    (Persuasion, de Jane Austen)

    I had no time to examine it further for I had need to hurry if I were to be back in camp in the morning.

    (The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    “It is nearly half a mile, but there is no hurry. Let us walk,” said he.

    (His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    “Doctor,” he hailed, “see there! No hurry!”

    (Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)

    He is a man who is always in a hurry, and yet has never anything to do.

    (Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)