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Traducere în limba română
improvement substantiv
1. ameliorare (a situaţiei, a comerţului, a sănătăţii etc.); îmbunătăţire; perfecţionare (a unei invenţii, a utilajului); înfrumuseţare (a unui oraş);
open to improvement susceptibil de îmbunătăţire, care poate fi îmbunătăţit;
improvement in health îmbunătăţire a sănătăţii; evoluţie înspre bine;
(pol. etc.) there is an improvement in the situation s-a produs o destindere / o slăbire a încordării.
2. desăvârşire, înnobilare, îndulcire, rafinare;
the moral improvement of the people ridicarea/ îmbunătăţirea nivelului spiritual al poporului;
books for moral improvement cărţi pentru instruirea morală a omului / pentru educarea omului.
3. progres, creştere, sporire, dezvoltare, câştig, profit.
4. (mai ales pl.) îmbunătăţiri, schimbări utile, înfrumusetări (ale unei proprietăţi etc.);
all these so-called improvements toate aceste pretinse progrese;
to effect improvements in smth. a aduce îmbunătăţiri (la ceva);
the improvements in house-building progresele în construcţii de locuinţe.
5. (ec.) urcare, ridicare (a preţurilor, salariilor etc.).
◊ to be an improvement on smth. a depăşi un lucru, a fi calitativ superior.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
“There is a great improvement here, ma'am?” says Mr. Chillip.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
I have examined Adele, and find you have taken great pains with her: she is not bright, she has no talents; yet in a short time she has made much improvement.
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)
And to be having any one's improvement in view in her choice!
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
You will tell Sir Walter what we have done, and that Mr Shepherd thinks it the greatest improvement the house ever had.
(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)
In memory tests, the people taking curcumin improved by 28 percent over the 18 months and also showed mild improvement in their overall disposition.
(Daily Consumption of Turmeric Could Improve Memory, Mood, Editura Global Info)
They found this by treating mice towards the end of life with this compound and see improvement in health and lifespan.
(Scientists Find Natural Product That Slows Aging, Editura Global Info)
The improvements made during the rest periods added up to the overall gains the volunteers made that day.
(Brains may use short rest periods to strengthen memories, National Institutes of Health)
In medicine, an improvement related to treatment.
(Disease Response, NCI Dictionary)
Clinical Global Impression (CGI) Rate total improvement whether or not, in your judgment, it is due entirely to drug treatment.
(CGI - Global Improvement, NCI Thesaurus)
This may eventually lead to an improvement of airway function.
(Arformoterol, NCI Thesaurus)