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Traducere în limba română
impulse I. substantiv
1. impuls, imbold, îndemn; mişcare spontană;
the vital impulse elanul / impulsul vital;
to feel an impulse to do smth. a se simţi împins să facă ceva;
his first impulse was to primul lui impuls a fost de a;
charitable impulse simţământ de caritate;
out of a common impulse dintr-un imbold obişnuit; dintr-un imbold irezistibil;
on the / a first impulse din primul moment, sub impulsul momentului;
under the impulse of the moment sub impulsul momentului;
to do smth. on a sudden impulse a face ceva din capriciu;
to act on impulse a acţiona spontan / din primul imbold;
to yield to impulse a ceda impulsului momentului;
men of impulse om impulsiv / care acţionează sub impulsul momentului.
2. (tehn.) impuls, forţă impulsivă, resort, şoc (propulsiv), excitaţie;
impulse of a hammer blow forţa, impulsivă a loviturii de ciocan;
(electr.) current impulse impuls de curent;
break impulse impuls de destindere / deblocare / întrerupere.
3. (fig.) îndemn, imbărbătare, stimulare.
4. (rar) asalt, năvală, atac.
impulse II. verb tranzitiv
(rar) a îndemna, a îmboldi, a înteţi, a stimula, a stârni.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
He obeyed the impulse, but was checked by the master's voice.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) Does the patient show any other signs of loss of control of his/her impulses?
(NPI - Show Any Other Signs of Loss of Control of His/Her Impulses, NCI Thesaurus)
An impulse held me fast—a force turned me round.
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)
Urged by this impulse, I seized on the boy as he passed and drew him towards me.
(Frankenstein, de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)
With one impulse we rushed back the way that we had come.
(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Instinctively I moved forward with a protective impulse, holding the Crucifix and Wafer in my left hand.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
The stimulus-response process involving the stimulation of peripheral pain-carrying nerve fibers (e.g., C-fibers, A-delta fibers) and the transmission of impulses along peripheral nerves of the central nervous system, where the stimulus is perceived as pain.
(Nociception, NCI Thesaurus)
I shall be able to write much that I could not say, and shall be giving her time for reflection before she resolves on her answer, and I am less afraid of the result of reflection than of an immediate hasty impulse; I think I am.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
Although the mechanism of action has not been fully elucidated, electrophysiological studies indicate this agent blocks voltage-gated sodium channels, thereby stabilizing hyper-excited neural membranes, inhibiting repetitive neuronal firing, and decreasing the propagation of synaptic impulses.
(Oxcarbazepine, NCI Thesaurus)
Irresistible impulses seized him.
(The Call of the Wild, de Jack London)