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Traducere în limba română
institution substantiv
1. instituire, stabilire (a unei legi), constituire (a unui comitet); creare (a unui stat); fondare (a unei bănci); începere, deschidere (a uuei anchete); (bis.) învestitură (a unui prelat); (jur.) instituire (a unui moştenitor).
2. instituţie, ordine stabilită, practică intrată în obiceiuri;
the postman has become a well-known institution factorul a devenit o figură familiară;
they are a national institution fac parte din patrimoniul naţional.
3. institut (de educaţie, de utilitate publică etc.); asociaţie;
charitable institution instituţie /aşezământ / operă de caritate / de binefacere; ospiciu.
4. (bis.) ordin (călugăresc).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Partial response requires two consecutive assessments made at any time before the institution of any new therapy, and no known evidence of progressive or new bone lesions if radiographic studies were performed; radiographic studies are not required to satisfy partial response requirements.
(Partial Response of Multiple Myeloma or Plasma Cell Leukemia, NCI Thesaurus)
Pregnant women exposed to persistent organic pollutants, or POPs, had slightly smaller fetuses than women who haven’t been exposed to these chemicals, according to an analysis of ultrasound scans by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and other institutions.
(Persistent organic pollutants in maternal blood linked to smaller fetal size, National Institutes of Health)
The researchers involved, from over 450 departments and institutions worldwide, say the findings will help provide the most detailed picture yet of how differences in our DNA put some women at greater risk than others of developing the disease.
(Detailed genetic study provides most comprehensive map of risk to date of breast cancer risk, University of Cambridge)
The institution stated that now the set of its physiological and behavioral characteristics will be analyzed in the natural environment, in order to understand the role and the importance of this species in the transmission of the Zika virus.
(Brazil scientists find out Culex mosquito can transmit Zika, Agência Brasil)
Scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and other institutions discovered the mutations in four unrelated families with severe atopic dermatitis and studied the resulting cell-signaling defects that contribute to allergic disease.
(Scientists identify single-gene mutations that lead to atopic dermatitis, National Institutes of Health)