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Traducere în limba română
internal adjectiv
1. intern, interior; dinăuntru;
(med.) internal pains dureri interne;
(com.) internal trade comerţ interior;
(mil.) internal security units unităâi de pază interioară;
internal student student intern.
2. intrinsec, decurgând din însăşi esenţa unui lucru; interior, lăuntric, intim;
internal evidence dovadă intrinsecă.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
The area that is internal to the inner mitochondrial membrane.
(Mitochondrial Matrix, NCI Thesaurus)
There is a large likelihood of internal injuries.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
However, the spectra of regions expected to reflect the internal composition lacked any of the characteristic sulfate absorptions.
(Table Salt Compound Spotted on Europa, NASA)
Encoded by human NRG3 Gene (NRG Family), conserved 720-aa Neuregulin 3 is a brain and testis soluble growth and differentiation factor, and a type I membrane protein containing 2 hydrophobic segments similar to the transmembrane domain and internal signal sequence in NRG1.
(Neuregulin 3, NCI Thesaurus)
Instead of forgetting him, his behaviour was such that she could not avoid the internal suggestion of Can it really be as my brother imagined? can it be possible for this man to be beginning to transfer his affections from Harriet to me?
(Emma, de Jane Austen)
Mugridge, who, during all the time he had been compelled to cook and serve coffee and keep the fire going, had complained of internal pains, now swore that he had a broken rib or two.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
The Milky Way turned out to be progressively twisted in its outer areas, which is most likely caused by the powerful rotating forces released by the galaxy’s massive internal disk, according to the research.
(Scientists Say Milky Way Is Warped & Twisted Not Flat, Editura Global Info)