Editura Global Info / Dicţionar englez-român |
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Traducere în limba română
invading I. adjectiv
invadator, cotropitor, năvălitor;
invading army armata invadatoare.
invading II. substantiv
1. invadare, cotropire.
2. încălcare, nesocotire ştirbire; uzurpare (a unor drepturi).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Factors H and I cannot inactivate C3b on the cell surface due to protection by properdin, ensuring that the alternative pathway is primarily inactive in plasma and specifically activated on the surface of invading.
(Alternative Complement Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)
Evidence from our models suggests that early in the disease, invading tumor cells are not completely protected by the blood-brain barrier and may be more vulnerable to drugs delivered to the brain via the blood.
(Brain tumor invasion along blood vessels may lead to new cancer treatments, NIH)