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Traducere în limba română
iron I. substantiv
1. fier;
to beat the iron a făuri, a bate fierul;
iron comes to nature fierul se purifică;
to cut off iron a tăia fier;
to draw out iron a lamina fier;
to hammer / forge the iron a întinde fierul prin batere;
(prov.) strike the iron while it is hot bate fierul cât e cald;
(fig.) the iron has entered into his soul era cu moartea în suflet;
(sl.) to polish the king's irons with one's eyebrows a privi printre gratii (la închisoare).
2. (şi curling iron) fier de frizat;
(fam.) to have too many / several irons in the fire a se ocupa de prea / mai multe lucruri deodată.
3. (la golf) crosă de fier.
4. (şi box iron, flat iron, laundry iron, smoothing iron) fier de călcat.
5. (mai ales în cuvinte compuse) sculă din fier.
6. (poetic.) sabie, spadă, paloş.
7. (fig.) putere, tărie; asprime, străşnicie, cruzime;
man of iron om fără milă, inimă de piatră.
8. plural unelte pentru sobă.
9. pl. lanţuri, cătuşe;
to be in irons a fi în lanţuri, a avea fiare la picioare sau la mâini.
10. (înv.) pistol, armă de foc.
11. (înv.) bani.
12. (sl.înv.) motocicletă;
13. (sl. înv.) maşină (automobil).
18. plural (mil. sl.) tunuri; artilerie.
iron II. adjectiv
1. de fier;
an iron hand in velvet glove severitate. întrebuinţată cu blândeţe.
2. de culoarea fierului.
3. (fig.) tare, straşnic, neînfrânt;
he wants an iron rod over him trebuia tratat cu străşnicie.
4. (fig.) neclintit, dur.
5. (fig.) neruşinat, obraznic.
iron III. verb tranzitiv
1. a netezi, a aplatiza.
2. a călca (lenjeria).
3. a înlănţui, a încătuşa.
4. a garnisi cu fiare; a imbrăca în fier; a blinda.
5. to iron out a) a face să dispară (o cută etc.) prin călcare cu fierul; b) (fam.) a aplana (neînţelegeri etc.); c) a bate straşnic (un adversar, concurent etc.);
to iron up a) a călca (o rochie, un pantalon etc.) b) a pune lanţuri (pe roţile unui autovehicul).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Poor old fellow! I fear that the strain of the past week has broken down even his iron strength.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
My fingers, as you can see, are more used to iron and leather than to the drawing of strokes and turning of letters.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Deferasirox binds to extra iron in the blood.
(Deferasirox, NCI Dictionary)
There is not a sound piece of iron about it.
(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)
This protein is involved in iron homeostasis.
(Ceruloplasmin, NCI Thesaurus)
This allele, which encodes ceruloplasmin protein, plays a role in iron homeostasis and neuronal survival.
(CP wt Allele, NCI Thesaurus)
I must go and look through that iron gate at the same view, without being able to see it so well.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
Yes, my child, said the wife, and she gave her a beautiful apple out of the chest; the chest had a very heavy lid and a large iron lock.
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
I have said that though the floor and ceiling were of iron, the walls were of wood.
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Miss Murdstone, who was busy at her writing-desk, which was covered with letters and papers, gave me her cold finger-nails, and asked me, in an iron whisper, if I had been measured for my mourning.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)