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Traducere în limba română
kill I. verb A. tranzitiv
1. a ucide, a omorî; a tăia (animale);
thou shalt not kill să nu ucizi.
2. (fig.) a omerî, a nimici, a distruge; a zădărnici; a respinge;
to kill a bill a respinge un proiect de lege;
this superstition will be hard to kill această superstiţie va fi cu greu stârpită;
to kill two birds with one stone a omorî doi iepuri dintr-o împuşcătură, a face două lucruri deodată;
to kill smb. with kindness a covârşi pe cineva cu bunătatea;
you are killing me with suspense, you are killing me by inches mă faci să mor de nerăbdare;
(fam.) to be out to kill a-şi da aere de cuceritor, a face pe grozavul;
(fam.) to be dressed to kill a fi îmbrăcat foarte elegant, a fi de o eleganţă irezistibilă;
to kill one's time a-şi omorî vremea;
to kill all feelings of humanity a înăbuşi orice sentiment de omenie;
the drums killed the strings tobele acopereau coardele;
to kill a passage a suprima un pasaj (dintr-un text).
3. a amortiza (un sunet).
4. (chim.) a descompune (acidul clorhidric, în industria plumbului);
killed spirits acid saturat, acid clorhidric descompus.
5. (tehn.) a degresa (o piele, în industria tăbăcitului),
6. (electr.) a scoate de sub curent.
7. (sport) a bloca (balonul, la fotbal.)
8. to kill off a omorî; a extermina, a masacra.
kill I. verb B. reflexiv
a se omorî; a se sinucide;
to kill oneself with work a se distruge muncind.
kill II. substantiv
1. omorâre, ucidere (mai ales a vânatului).
2. vânat;
plentiful kill pradă bogată (la o vânătoare).
3. momeală (animal care serveşte drept momeală la vânătoarea de fiare sălbatice).
4. (la tenis) kill smash ◊ to kill the lime a stinge varul;
(fot.) to kill the hypo a elimina hiposulfitul (la developat).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
I killed them quick, but they are killing me slow; and if I have another night of it I shall be either mad or dead before morning.
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
I confess it all. It was I who killed the young man.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
"He killed Dutchy and Harkey!" was her husband's reply; "and I am going to kill him."
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
I often wondered why Wolf Larsen did not kill him and make an end of it.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
Kill me, if you please, or spare me.
(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)
A vaccine that is being studied as a way to help the body's immune system kill breast cancer cells.
(Allogeneic GM-CSF-Secreting Breast Cancer Vaccine, NCI Dictionary)
Alimta blocks DNA synthesis and may kill cancer cells.
(Alimta, NCI Dictionary)
The giant read: “Seven at one stroke,” and thought that they had been men whom the tailor had killed, and began to feel a little respect for the tiny fellow.
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
They can also be filled with a substance that may help kill more tumor cells.
(Microsphere, NCI Dictionary)
"But you were strong enough to kill the Wicked Witch of the East," said Oz.
(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)