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Traducere în limba română
kind I. substantiv
1. specie, gen, rasă, neam;
the human kind specia umană / omenească, genul omenesc;
the sparrow kind specia vrabiei.
2. fel, categorie, calitate, soi, gen;
a book of the best kind o carte de cea mai bună calitate / dintre cele mai bune;
what kind of man is he? ce fel de om este?;
what kind of man do you take me for? drept cine mă iei?;
he is the kind of man who will hit back nu e omul care să se dea bătut;
people of all kinds oameni de tot felul, tot soiul de oameni, fel de fel de oameni;
she replied after the manner of her (own) kind a răspuns ca cele de felul / de teapa ei;
of the same kind de acelaşi fel / gen;
facts of a kind to astonish us fapte de natură să ne uimească;
perfect of its kind perfect în genul său;
something of the kind ceva de felul acesta;
he said something of the kind a spus ceva de felul acesta;
nothing of the kind nimic de felul acesta;
he did nothing of the kind n-a făcut aşa ceva;
do nothing of the kind fereşte-te să faci aşa ceva; să nu faci aşa ceva;
of a kind de o calitate proastă;
we had coffee of a kind am băut o cafea infectă / execrabilă;
in a kind of way într-un fel;
that's the kind of thing I mean cam asta vreau să spun;
he felt a kind of compunction a simţit un fel de remuşcare;
the trees formed a kind of arch copacii alcătuiau un fel de boltă;
a kind of sour taste un gust destul de acru;
he is a kind of fool e un mare dobitoc / prost / imbecil;
(fam.) I can't bear these kinds of men nu pot suporta oamenii de teapa asta;
(fam.) I kind of began to understand mi s-a părut că încep să înţeleg;
(fam.) he looked kind of frightened părea cam speriat;
(fam.) I kind of expected it mă cam aşteptam la asta.
3. fire, natură;
the law of kind legea firii / naturii;
they act after their kind (ei) acţionează conform cu natura for / cu firea lor;
a discovery new in kind o descoperire de o natură cu totul nouă;
they differ in kind, not only in degree se deosebesc prin natură, nu numai prin mărime;
difference in kind diferenţă specifică;
payment in kind plată în natură;
(fam.) to repay smb. in kind a plăti cuiva cu aceeaşi monedă.
kind II. adjectiv
1. bun, binevoitor, prevenitor, amabil, cumsecade;
kind heart inimă bună;
they are kind people sunt oameni cumsecade;
kind invitation invitaţie amabilă / politicoasă;
to give smb. a kind reception a primi bine pe cineva;
to give a proposal a kind reception a primi favorabil o propunere;
give him my kind regards transmite-i complimentele mele / complimente din partea mea;
to be kind to smb. a se arăta bun cu cineva / faţă de cineva;
it's very kind of you e foarte amabil din partea dumneavoastră; vă mulţumesc pentru bunăvoinţă;
be so kind as to fii bun şi;
you are really to kind sânteţi prea bun / amabil;
kind wind vânt prielnic.
2. (înv.) duios, iubilor.
3. (despre sol, metale etc.) uşor de lucrat.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
But he was always kind to the boy in his own way.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
No, no, nothing of the kind.
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
“Good God! sir, what kind of a craft is this?” he cried.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
Saturn is your ruler, so this would be an extra-special day for this kind of activity.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
Well, we have nothing else to go upon—no evidence of any kind.
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
"He was over to San Francisco yesterday looking for a ship. But he's got money, yet, an' he's particular about the kind of ship he signs for."
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
Van Helsing was very kind to him.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
There were two kinds of life—his own kind and the other kind.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
Our young friend certainly said something of the kind.
(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
He is so kind to me, I must thank him, and I don't know any other way.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)