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Traducere în limba română
limes substantiv
plural (teatru) rampă.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
"Bring with you the limes you have in your desk," was the unexpected command which arrested her before she got out of her seat.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
It was hot; and after walking some time over the gardens in a scattered, dispersed way, scarcely any three together, they insensibly followed one another to the delicious shade of a broad short avenue of limes, which stretching beyond the garden at an equal distance from the river, seemed the finish of the pleasure grounds.
(Emma, de Jane Austen)
Amy rose to comply with outward composure, but a secret fear oppressed her, for the limes weighed upon her conscience.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
The word 'limes' was like fire to powder, his yellow face flushed, and he rapped on his desk with an energy which made Jenny skip to her seat with unusual rapidity.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
"That's good! I wish all the girls would leave, and spoil his old school. It's perfectly maddening to think of those lovely limes," sighed Amy, with the air of a martyr.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
It's nothing but limes now, for everyone is sucking them in their desks in schooltime, and trading them off for pencils, bead rings, paper dolls, or something else, at recess.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
Now Mr. Davis had declared limes a contraband article, and solemnly vowed to publicly ferrule the first person who was found breaking the law.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
"Tell me all about it. Are limes the fashion now? It used to be pricking bits of rubber to make balls."
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
Why, I owe at least a dozen pickled limes, and I can't pay them, you know, till I have money, for Marmee forbade my having anything charged at the shop.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
But Amy had not forgotten Miss Snow's cutting remarks about 'some persons whose noses were not too flat to smell other people's limes, and stuck-up people who were not too proud to ask for them', and she instantly crushed 'that Snow girl's' hopes by the withering telegram, You needn't be so polite all of a sudden, for you won't get any.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)