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    Traducere în limba română

    liquid I. adjectiv

    1. lichid.

    2. nestatornic; inconstant, schimbător;

    liquid convictions convingeri schimbătoare.

    3. (despre aer, ochi etc.) limpede; străveziu, diafan, transparent, luminos; de culoare deschisă.

    4. (despre sunete) dulce, plăcut, armonios.

    5. (fon.) lichid, muiat.

    6. (ec.) lichid; disponibil.

    7. (tehn.) hidraulic.

    liquid II. substantiv

    1. lichid; soluţie.

    2. (fon.) consoană lichidă.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    I did so; he measured twelve drops of a crimson liquid, and presented it to Mason.

    (Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

    It seemed to enter into her body and course through her veins in a liquid glow, and to set her quivering with its imparted strength.

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)

    The intense heat from the host star would be far too great to support life, however, and could not maintain liquid water.

    (Lava or Not, Exoplanet 55 Cancri e Likely to have Atmosphere, NASA)

    A team of scientists used liquid metal and a liquid electrolyte to convert gaseous CO2 into a solid, coal-like substance, a breakthrough that could change the ways carbon is removed from the atmosphere and permanently stored.

    (Scientists Turn CO2 into Solid Coal, Editura Global Info)

    The technology improves the way the medicine's active principle is processed by the human body (liquid formulas in existence, in addition to not being recommended by the World Health Organization, have a rather unpleasant taste, a short expiration date, and high transportation costs).

    (New HIV medicine under development for children in Brazil, Agência Brasil/EBC)

    Is that all? said the tailor, that is child’s play with us! and put his hand into his pocket, brought out the soft cheese, and pressed it until the liquid ran out of it.

    (Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)