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    Traducere în limba română

    lodge I. substantiv

    1. căsuţa paznicului; loja portarului (la fabrică, şcoală etc.), gheretă, colibă; căsuţă, locuinţă;

    keeper's lodge casa paznicului de vânătoare.

    2. boxă.

    3. lojă masonică.

    4. vizuină, culcuş (mai ales de vidră şi castor).

    5. cort al Pieilor Roşii, wigwam.

    6. locuinţă / reşedinţă provizorie.

    7. (în S.U.A.) familie de indieni (între 4-6 persoane).

    8. secţiune locală a unor sindicate (organizate ca „frăţii" şi având "loji", în diferite centre, de ex. cea a feroviarilor din S.U.A ).

    9. (mine) zăcământ, depozit de minereu.

    lodge II. verb A. tranzitiv

    1. a aşeza, a stabili (pe cineva într-un loc); a adăposti, a găzdui, a caza, a cartirui, a instala (pe cineva în mod provizoriu);

    we were well lodged am fost bine găzduiţi;

    to lodge smb. in gaol a încarcera / a întemniţa pe cineva, a băga pe cineva la carceră sau temniţă.

    2. a înfige, a fixa, a băga, a vârî;

    he lodged a bullet in his brains îşi trase un glonte în cap; îşi zbură creierii;

    to lodge a bullet on the target a trimite un glonte în ţintă;

    to lodge in the memory a întipări în minte.

    3. (cinegetică) a goni / a fugări (vânatul) până la vizuină.

    4. a depune, a depozita;

    to lodge money with smb. a depune / a depozita bani la cineva, a încredinţa bani cuiva;

    to lodge power in the hands of smb. a da cuiva depline puteri, a pune în mâinile cuiva frânele conducerii, a încredinţa cuiva puterea;

    the power is lodged with the people puterea e în mâinile poporului;

    to lodge a complaint against smb. a face / a depune / a înainta o plângere / o reclamaţie împotriva cuiva;

    to lodge information against smb. a face un denunţ împotriva cuiva, a denunţa pe cineva.

    5. a primi, a încasa;

    (mar.) the ship lodged a projectile vasul primi o lovitură (de tun).

    6. (despre vânt, ploaie) a doborî, a culca (holdele).

    lodge II. verb B. refl. (mil.)

    1. a ocupa o poziţie.

    2. a se încartirui.

    lodge II. verb C. intranzitiv

    1. a rămâne (temporar), a poposi, a mânea.

    2. a trăi, a locui (în camere mobilate sau pensiune).

    3. (despre cerbi) a se ascunde în pădure.

    4. (despre lucruri) a rămâne;

    his ball lodged on the roof mingea îi rămase pe acoperiş.

    5. (despre lucruri) a se înfige, a rămâne înfipt, a intra, a pătrunde;

    the bullet has lodged in the lung glontele a pătruns în plămân.

    6. (despre holde) a se culca la pământ, a se apleca, a se înclina.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    We must be at Briony Lodge to meet her.

    (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    We had a temporary lodging in Covent Garden.

    (David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

    That was the end of my visit to Wisteria Lodge.

    (His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    She is at the lodge, aunt.

    (Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

    And her neighbours at Lucas Lodge, therefore (for through their communication with the Collinses, the report, she concluded, had reached Lady Catherine), had only set that down as almost certain and immediate, which she had looked forward to as possible at some future time.

    (Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

    Then he stained his face all over brown, so that even his mother would not have known him, and went into the castle and asked for a lodging; I am so tired, said he, that I can go no farther.

    (Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)

    Though Charles and Mary had remained at Lyme much longer after Mr and Mrs Musgrove's going than Anne conceived they could have been at all wanted, they were yet the first of the family to be at home again; and as soon as possible after their return to Uppercross they drove over to the Lodge.

    (Persuasion, de Jane Austen)

    The lodge which stood by the Brighton Road was so dainty with its trellis-work and its rose bushes that I was not the only visitor who declared that I had rather be the owner of it than of the great house amongst the trees.

    (Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    A commissionnaire remains all night in a little lodge at the foot of the stairs, and is in the habit of making coffee at his spirit-lamp for any of the officials who may be working over time.

    (The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    I live at Torrington Lodge, Blackheath, with my parents, Mr. Holmes, but last night, having to do business very late with Mr. Jonas Oldacre, I stayed at an hotel in Norwood, and came to my business from there.

    (The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)