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melt, past melted, part. trec. melted sau (înv.) molten I. verb A. intranzitiv
1. a se topi, a se dizolva, a deveni lichid, a se lichefia;
it melts in the mouth se topeşte în gură;
(fig.) she looks as if butter would not melt in her mouth face pe sfânta, nici usturoi n-a mâncat, nici gura nu-i miroase.
2. (fig.) a se topi (de căldură), a-i fi foarte cald; a transpira.
3. (with) a se contopi, a fuziona (cu).
4. a se înduioşa, a se lăsa înduplecat; a slăbi;
his resolution began to melt hotărârea lui începu să se clatine.
5. (despre sunet) a fi catifelat şi limpede.
6. a-şi înmuia firea, a devent blând / delicat.
7. a fi supus / învins / distrus.
8. (bibl.) a se descuraja, a dispera.
9. to melt away a) (despre zăpadă) a se topi (complet); b) (despre nori) a se risipi; c) (despre o mulţime) a se împrăştia; d) (despre bani) a se irosi, a se duce; e) (despre mânie) a-i trece;
to melt down a se volatiliza, a dispărea din vedere, a pieri treptat;
to melt into a) a se dizolva în; b) a se transforma / a se schimba / a se preface treptat în;
the clouds melted into rain norii s-au transformat în ploaie;
to melt into smth. different a se schimba cu încetul în altceva;
to melt into tears a se lăsa înduioşat până la lacrimi, a izbucni în plâns;
(fig.) to melt with love a se topi de dragoste.
melt, past melted, part. trec. melted sau (înv.) molten I. verb B. tranzitiv
1. a topi, a descompune, a lichefia.
2. (metal.) a topi (metale).
3. (fig.) a înmuia, a înduioşa, a îndupleca, a îmblânzi, a mişca, a emoţiona, a atinge la coarda simţitoare;
to melt a heart of stone a înduioşa o inimă de piatră.
4. (arte) a contopi, a amesteca (culorile).
5. (sl.) a topi, a toca, a risipi (banii).
6. a dezintegra, a dizolva (solul, pământul).
7. to melt down / (amer. şi) up a topi (obiecte de metal).
melt II. substantiv
1. topire.
2. (metal.) cantitate de metal topită deodată; topitură; şarjă;
a melt three tons o şarjă de trei tone.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
In the mouth the water melts away and the seed chews sharp and bitter.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
Well, in a few minutes I shall be all melted, and you will have the castle to yourself.
(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)
His mind went back to the house he had just left, and he saw, first, the paintings, and next, Her, looking at him with melting sweetness as she shook his hand at leaving.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
The clerk's mind was on his brother, on his future—above all on this strange, fierce, melting, beautiful woman who had broken so suddenly into his life, and as suddenly passed out of it again.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
After that, his great delight was to produce it when it was wanted, sticking to the lining of his pocket, in a partially melted state, and pocket it again when it was done with.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
He looks as if he'd like to know us but he's bashful, and Meg is so prim she won't let me speak to him when we pass, said Jo, as the plates went round, and the ice began to melt out of sight, with ohs and ahs of satisfaction.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
After that, we kept under cover of the bulwarks, and when next I looked out they had disappeared from the spit, and the spit itself had almost melted out of sight in the growing distance.
(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)
And the snow fell and spread a beautiful white covering over the grave; but by the time the spring came, and the sun had melted it away again, her father had married another wife.
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
Then he took from his bag the lantern, which he lit, and also two wax candles, which, when lighted, he stuck, by melting their own ends, on other coffins, so that they might give light sufficient to work by.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
"Who melted her?"
(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)