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    Traducere în limba română

    mend I. verb A. tranzitiv

    1. a drege, a cârpi, a repara (şi fig.); a remaia; a reconstrui;

    to mend socks a cârpi ciorapi;

    have it mended daţi-l la reparat;

    to mend a quill a ascuţi o pană de scris;

    (prov.) least said, soonest mended cu cât se vorbeşte mai puţin (de ceva), cu atât e mai sigur că se va îndrepta; vorbă multă / lungă, sărăcia omului.

    2. a corecta, corija,a îndrepta, a îmbunătăţi, a modifica; a rectifica; a reforma; a aranja;

    to mend one's ways a se îndrepta, a se corija;

    to mend an opinion a-şi rectifica o părere;

    to mend a text a corecta un text;

    to mend a fault a îndrepta o greşeală;

    that won't mend matters asta nu va îndrepta lucrurile.

    3. a potrivi, a aranja (adăugând ceva);

    to mend the fire a aţâţa focul, a pune lemne pe foc.

    4. a accelera, a grăbi,

    to mend one's pace a iuţi pasul.

    5. a proteja, a ajuta.

    6. a ameliora, a întări, a amplifica.

    7. a înfrumuseţa.

    8. (înv.) a reda sănătatea (cuiva), a vindeca.

    mend I. verb B. intranzitiv

    1. a se schimba în bine (moraliceşte), a se îmbunătăţi, a se îndrepta, a se corija, a se corecta;

    (prov.) it is never too late to mend nu-i niciodată prea târziu ca să te îndrepţi.

    2. a se restabili, a se însănătoşi, a-şi recăpăta sănătatea, a se face bine.

    3. (dcspre preţuri) a creşte, a se mări.

    mend II. substantiv

    1. reparare, reparaţie, cârpire, cârpitură, astupare a unei crăpături etc.

    2. întremare, îndreptare, ameliorare (a sănătăţii);

    he is on the mend merge spre însănătoşire;

    things are on the mend lucrurile se îndreaptă.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    "My old white one again, if I can mend it fit to be seen, it got sadly torn last night," said Meg, trying to speak quite easily, but feeling very uncomfortable.

    (Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

    "But could you not be mended?" asked the girl.

    (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)

    And he would let Ruth know, too, that he had mended his ways and was willing to go into her father's office.

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)

    He may find much to mend in his own condition ere long.

    (The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    Let me mend it for you.

    (Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

    All's up—you can't make nor mend; it's to save your neck that I'm a-speaking, and if one of the wild uns knew it, where'd I be, Tom—now, tell me, where'd I be?

    (Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)

    “That done my Em'ly good,” he resumed, after such emotion as I could not behold without sharing in; and as to my aunt, she wept with all her heart; “that done Em'ly good, and she begun to mend. But, the language of that country was quite gone from her, and she was forced to make signs. So she went on, getting better from day to day, slow, but sure, and trying to learn the names of common things—names as she seemed never to have heerd in all her life—till one evening come, when she was a-setting at her window, looking at a little girl at play upon the beach. And of a sudden this child held out her hand, and said, what would be in English, “Fisherman's daughter, here's a shell!”—for you are to unnerstand that they used at first to call her “Pretty lady”, as the general way in that country is, and that she had taught 'em to call her “Fisherman's daughter” instead.

    (David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

    He could mend them, he could learn to mend them.

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)

    They don't mean any harm, I'm sure, but if they knew how we fellows talked about them afterward, they'd mend their ways, I fancy.

    (Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

    I have conceived a great love for him, and I have promised him that when his bone is mended I will exchange thrusts with him.

    (The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)