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Traducere în limba română
methinks, past methought verb impers.
(înv., poetic) mi se pare, cred.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
It is as well, remarked Terlake; for methinks, my fair lord, that we are not the only ones who are waiting a passage to Gascony.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
“And I can see men-at-arms in yonder boats which ply betwixt the vessel and the shore. But methinks that we are very welcome here, for already they come forth to meet us.”
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
But it is time that we took our order, for methinks that between the Needle rocks and the Alum cliffs yonder I can catch a glimpse of the topmasts of the galleys.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Methinks the end of the world is not far from there.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
By St. Paul! said the knight, our good merchant of Southampton hath not played us false, for methinks I can see our ship down yonder.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Methinks that I should have ruth upon you, seeing that I am myself like one who looks through a horn window while his neighbors have the clear crystal.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Methinks, Alleyne, it is this learning which you have taught her that has taken all the life and sap from her.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
The Priory at Christchurch was a noble pile, but it was cold and bare, methinks, by one of these, with their frettings, and their carvings, and their traceries, as though some great ivy-plant of stone had curled and wantoned over the walls.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Besides, methinks if I were le bon Dieu, it would bring me little joy to see a poor devil cutting the flesh off his bones; and I should think that he had but a small opinion of me, that he should hope to please me by such provost-marshal work.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)