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Traducere în limba română
nail I. substantiv
1. unghie;
to bite one's (finger) nails a-şi roade unghiile.
2. cui, ţintă;
brass-headed nail cui cu floarea de aramă, cui poleit;
to drive in a nail a bate un cui;
to drive a nail into the wall a bate un cui în perete;
(fam.) to drive the nail home a duce o treabă la bun sfârşit;
to draw a nail, to take out a nail a scoate un cui;
(fam.) to hit the (right) nail on the head a lovi unde trebuie, a pune degetul pe rană;
(prov.) one nail drives out another cui pe cui se scoate;
(fam.) to pay on the nail a plăti în bani gheaţă;
the question that is on the nail chestiunea care se discută, problema în discuţie.
nail II. verb tranzitiv
1. a bate un cui, a fixa / a prinde cu / în cuie;
to nail (up) a notice on / to a wall a prinde un afiş în perete, a fixa o pancartă pe perete;
nail one's eyes on smth. a ţintui ceva cu privirea;
he stood nailed to the ground stătea ţintuit la pământ;
(fig.) to nail a lie to the counter / barndoor a dovedi netemeinicia / falsitatea unei afirmaţii.
2. a ţintui, a bate în ţinte (încălţămintea, o uşă etc.).
3. (pop.) a prinde în cursă; a apuca, a pune mâna pe (cineva);
(fam.) to nail it a prinde şmecheria / trucul.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
A change in the color of the nail.
(Nail Discoloration, NCI Thesaurus)
The nail at the end of a finger.
(Fingernail, NCI Thesaurus)
It occurs when the amount of soft tissue beneath the nail beds increases.
(Digital Clubbing, NCI Thesaurus)
An infectious process affecting the nail.
(Nail Infection, NCI Thesaurus)
“Oh,” said he, “what long nails you have! Wait, I must first cut them for you.”
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
Healthy nails are usually smooth and consistent in color.
(Nail Diseases, NIH)
Cytokeratins help form the tissues of the hair, nails, and the outer layer of the skin.
(Cytokeratin, NCI Dictionary)
“I keep his nails in order for him. Twice a week! Fingers and toes.”
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
To want to nail me to a card-table for the next two hours with herself and Dr.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
'I am myself weak in the eyes, and have often taken one thing for another,' quoth the knight, as he sprang back into his saddle and rode off, leaving the Sieur de Crespigny biting his nails before the door.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)