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Traducere în limba română
painter1 substantiv
1. pictor.
2. zugrav.
painter2 substantiv
(mar.) barbetă;
to out the painter a) (despre colonii) a se despărţi de patria mamă; b) a-şi lua lumea în cap; c) a se despărţi.
painter3 substantiv
(amer. dial. zool.) caguar (Felis concolor).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
The painter hadn't made the scar, but I made it; and there it was, coming and going; now confined to the upper lip as I had seen it at dinner, and now showing the whole extent of the wound inflicted by the hammer, as I had seen it when she was passionate.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
“The painter was sent off yesterday, and very little will remain of the theatre to-morrow. I knew how that would be from the first. It is early for Bath. You will find nobody there.”
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)