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Traducere în limba română
past I. adjectiv
trecut, dus; apus; mort;
a past event un eveniment trecut;
in ages past and gone în vremuri de demult (apuse), în vechime, în vremurile străvechi;
in times past odinioară;
a verb in the past tense un verb la timpul trecut;
the past week săptămâna trecută;
in the past few years în ultimii (câţiva) ani, în anii din urmă;
for some time past de câtva timp (încoace).
past II. substantiv
1. trecut;
in the past în trecut, odinioară.
2. (gram.) timpul Past, preterit;
a verb in the past un verb la timpul Past / la preterit.
past III. prepoziție
1. (spaţial) dincolo de, mai încolo de; pe lângă;
the train ran past the signal trenul depăşi semnalul / semaforul.
2. (temporal) trecut de;
he is past forty e trecut de patruzeci (de ani), are patruzeci de ani (bătuţi pe muchie);
it is past four (o'clock) e trecut de patru (ceasuri), e (ora) patru şi ceva;
a quarter past three trei şi un sfert;
half past two două şi jumătate;
it is half past e şi jumătate;
I am past work nu mai pot să muncesc;
I am past dancing nu mai pot să dansez.
3. (fig.) în afară de; dincolo de; peste;
it is past all understanding depăşeşte orice înţelegere;
it is past my comprehension e mai mult decât pot să pricep, mă depăşeşte;
it is past comparison nu suferă nici o comparaţie;
it is past all criticism e mai presus de orice critică;
it is past endurance e insuportabil, a devenit de nesuportat / insuportabil;
a malady past cure o boală incurabilă; o boală fără leac / remediu;
he is past cure / remedy e în afara oricărei speranţe (de vindecare), e pierdut;
he is past danger e in afară de orice pericol;
he is past hope e fără speranţă;
he is past reclaming nu mai e bun de nimic, nu face nici o ceapă degerată;
past all doubt fără îndoială, fără doar şi poate;
that is past all belief e de necrezut;
past everything peste măsură, excesiv, exagerat.
past IV. adverb
to walk / to go past a trece;
to run past a trece în fugă;
to march past a) a defila; b) a trece.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
That’s true even if the person from your past connects you with someone new.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
At half-past two they knocked off.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
Yes, some share of the tenderness of the past.
(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)
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(BPI Short Form - Pain Interfered with Sleep, NCI Thesaurus)
Brief Pain Inventory Short Form (BPI Short Form) Circle the one number that describes how, during the past 24 hours, pain has interfered with your normal work.
(BPI Short Form - Pain Interfered with Normal Work, NCI Thesaurus)
Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) Circle the one number that describes how, during the past week, pain has interfered with your normal work.
(BPI - Pain Interfered with Normal Work, NCI Thesaurus)
And now, as it was long past one, I prepared to leave him.
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)
Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) What kind of surgery have you had in the past month?
(BPI - Kind of Surgery in Past Month, NCI Thesaurus)
Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) Circle the one number that describes how, during the past week, pain has interfered with your general activity.
(BPI - Pain Interfered with General Activity, NCI Thesaurus)
I suppose that I must have rushed past him into my room.
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)