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Traducere în limba română
pear-tree substantiv
(bot.) păr (Pyrus sp.).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
In this garden stood a fine large pear-tree full of ripe fruit; and Ashputtel, not knowing where to hide herself, jumped up into it without being seen.
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
Uppercross was a moderate-sized village, which a few years back had been completely in the old English style, containing only two houses superior in appearance to those of the yeomen and labourers; the mansion of the squire, with its high walls, great gates, and old trees, substantial and unmodernized, and the compact, tight parsonage, enclosed in its own neat garden, with a vine and a pear-tree trained round its casements; but upon the marriage of the young 'squire, it had received the improvement of a farm-house elevated into a cottage, for his residence, and Uppercross Cottage, with its veranda, French windows, and other prettiness, was quite as likely to catch the traveller's eye as the more consistent and considerable aspect and premises of the Great House, about a quarter of a mile farther on.
(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)
Then the king’s son lost sight of her, and could not find out where she was gone, but waited till her father came home, and said to him, The unknown lady who danced with me has slipped away, and I think she must have sprung into the pear-tree.
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)